What is the traditional wood used in the making of an authentic Australian didgeridoo?
Correct answer: Eucalyptus

None of the others are native to Australia

There are over 700 species of eucalyptus trees in Oceania. I grew up in Australia and we used to eat eucalyptus flavoured jelly sweets, and believe it or not, they were great!

Player Elf Council
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, And the best cough sweets are Eucalyptus drops.

has anyone got a spare one

I always wondered how they hollowed them out.

I recently saw a TV show where the actor Robson Greene came to Australia & was taken out by an indigenous friend who helped him to make his own didg (sorry can't remember proper indigenous name) It was very interesting. They're actually quite difficult to play. I had a go once & came close to getting it right a couple of times :-)

Player #285446, the real name is Yadaki...no R

Player #10936868
Not only Northern Australia, but southern as well

Player #19472386
A great medicinal tree-to make tea from & cough drops etc.

Traditionally only males are 'allowed' to play!

Widama007, now I want one

Jesta99, eucalyptus is because koalas eat it

Widama007, they can be bought here, but it is only for MEN, women are not allowed to use them. They are usually very pricey

Player #45426717
SOS, I managed a kookaburra sound. very hard to keep going

policy wonk
I mean it kind of had to be eucalyptus didn't it.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, I tried some recently & thought they were great!

Player #5181716
Widama007, ñ

yoginiasana, how would you know what they sound or even smell like?(lol)

Pic gave a way..#bitknowledge Eucalyptus tree can reach 33 to 200 feet in height... 😦Too long

Jesta99, lol that's why I picked the correct answer

Beverley Australia
SAC69, My said. Had a dog called Didgi Also

Player #285446, MORE LIKE A WHALE FART...LOL

Player #8319569
Player #285446, So true. They originated from Arnem Land in the 'top end'.

Rolf Harris is innocent ...

My son had a didgeridoo, he could play it really well. I tried, but it’s a lot harder than it looks!

Player #5539104
The traditional name for the didgeridoo is Yidaki. the Yidaki originated in Arnhem Land. Yidaki is an instrument that should only be played by men. It is disrespectful for women to play the Yidaki.

Zell. I am a female
didn't know that

soiasean, Social anxiety? Or What??