On what day of the week are United States presidential elections held?
Correct answer: Tuesday

Does NOT matter what party one is affiliated with. Electoral college does not accurately represent the voice of the people's votes. It needs to be one vote per one citizen. Period.

The Beach Gal
Heartland Old Guy, The electoral college is needed to balance out the large and small states, (it is based on population) otherwise the east coast and west coast large states would always take the election, invalidating all the votes of the other states.

Heartland Old Guy, Well, if you want NYC and LA deciding everything, then sure - lets go with the popular vote. As for me, I'll stick to the electoral college. I think each state should decide on President and Vice President by majority of counties, not popularity. NYS went to Clinton and she only won 5 out of 62 counties. NYC controls everything in NYS which is why the state is dying.

I miss Tim Russert. used to love his enthusiasm and charts on election night. Rest in peace Tim.

No, it is not the first Tuesday in November, it’s the first Tuesday AFTER the first Monday in November. If the first falls on a Tuesday, it will not be Election Day. It will be a week later on the 7th.

The Beach Gal
The Electoral college is needed to balance out the large and small states, otherwise the east coast and west coast large states would always take the election, invalidating all the votes from the other states.

Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone can vote. Also, Electoral delegates should be proportional; if a state has 12 electoral votes those should be distributed according to percentage of that state's votes.

Heartland Old Guy
Lets see, we vote for city council members, school board members, mayors, governors, state senators and representatives, other state officials, and senators and representatives we send to Washington, and we do not need electoral colleges for them. Somehow the popular vote is good enough for all of that. Then we have president and vice president. I guess the populace isn't smart enough to elect them by their own votes.

Heartland Old Guy
Did you know that the electors are not bound by the popular vote either?

The Beach Gal
FunkyMonkey, The electoral college is needed to balance out the large and small states, (it is based on population) otherwise the east coast and west coast large states would always take the election, invalidating all the other votes from the other states.

Mellow Mind
Sassy31960, that would be the 8th.

Sassy31960, no it will be a week later on the 8th

JustBreath, we need to have a system of checks and balances, hence the need for an electoral college, half a dozen states should not decide for all fifty, a pure democracy is nothing but a mobocracy, were a representative Republic, at least for now, if we can keep it!

JustBreath, Need to review why founding fathers chose this way. Two states would be able to determine President.

The Beach Gal, Exactly ⛱️🏖

JustBreath, No because that means All the over Overpopulated States would Have their voices heard and the smaller States would not

JustBreath, I agree. ONE person,, ONE vote

Player #3221568
That's November 8th then.

Guillermo Jr.
putting your faith in politicians to provide a happy life = guaranteed disappointment

JustBreath, I agree 100%

Player #6482125
Heartland Old Guy, Ok.. except those votes are local at state's level.. not Federal.. not nation-wide.

The Beach Gal, yeah except my vote never matters in my state so if there were no electoral college it actually would matter

Player Ljasper
JustBreath, that might not work, because densely populated states would knock other states out of the game

Player #24889020
Sassy31960, I was going to say that too but actually how they put it is also right it says the first Tuesday after November 1st so if November 1st is on a Monday then it is the first Tuesday after the first Monday.

Player #24889020
NurseMom, The same thing can be said for a large cities that go to Republican candidates even though there aren't many. every vote should count.

lefty two guns, Agreed. But we should be concerned with the progressive socialist's who have fundamentally taken over the dems. Omar,AOC and their ilk. God help us...

The operative words...REGISTERED VOTERS.

Heartland Old Guy, we are a representative republic otherwise NY & CA would decide our elections for us all....that would not be fair..#KnowyourHistory

Should be mandatory voting and also on a weekend

Player #6438744
Sassy31960, If the first is a Tuesday than the next Tuesday would be the 8th!

NurseMom, counties and states still do not get balanced with the electoral college. I live in Michigan where the vote is in the state is always carried by Detroit even though most of the rest of the state and countries vote the other way. The winner carries the whole state and not just the counties he wins.

Raven Lynn
JustBreath, exactly if that had been the case that buffoon Trump would not be POTUS

The Beach Gal,
kind of like California... Democrats from southern California always cancel my vote in the northern part of the state... that's why some of the people want to split the state

Player #7929563
lefty two guns, I SO agree with you!!!!

The Beach Gal, Small states get a huge break and influence because each state gets 2 Senators. 2 Senators for a state that has less population than the county where I live in Upstate NY. Way too much power for small states

Sassy31960, Actually, it would be a week later on the 8th, but you are right.

Player SQinfoNUTS
Sassy31960, please read the question again. it's a Tuesday. What you say though is entirely correct

Idiot savant
RushMama2112, the majority of states are winner take all . And rightly so.