Which US patriotic society, dating from 1890, is known by the initials DAR?

Correct answer: Daughters of the American Revolution

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Thanks to The Gilmore Girls, I knew this answer! 😊
deelcram, kids aren't being taught to read cursive...why not history...tough 2 read the constitution when all u know is emojis!
I am a DAR
 Grace 2225
Grace 2225
Player #1690219,Racism is indeed a legacy of DAR. IN 1939 the DAR refused to allow Marian Anderson to sing for an integrated audience in Constitution Hall. President Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt intervened and arranged to have her sing at The Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday.
To the women who won't join because membership is not based on merit, you are wrong and your inaction to participate is a huge disservice to your ancestors. They risked their lives for the Revolution, in case you've forgotten or never realized, they committed treason and would have been killed if caught. Not just during the actual war but during the planning stages as well. You're not just Legacies, it is YOUR LEGACY to spread knowledge of their lives and triumphs. To bring awareness to the people who weren't taught our history.(Schools don't teach enough, or at all, about the Revolution or our Government). All of the rights and freedoms we have are because of your ancestors. Every single man and woman who made a contribution to the war effort, not just the Founding Fathers, deserve our respect. Join or not that's your choice and you have the right to choose because of them. Your disdain however is shameful. How exactly would you be a part of DAR based on your own merit? Your justification for not joining because you have done nothing to "merit" it is based on ignorance. You would have to go back in time to the 1700's! You job as Legacies is to educate people on the ideals that this country were founded on, ideals your ancestors could have DIED for! With our political climate what it is, you're needed more than ever. Every person who planned, fought, killed and died for this country would be disgusted by what it has become. Your voices would carry a lot of weight.
I'm eligible and a legacy, but I'm not, have never, and will never be a member because I think anything with heritage based membership, as opposed to merit, is BS... Although I've also snubbed MENSA... they really are just a bunch of pretentious jerks and their IQ tests are nonsense. So I guess my dad was right when he always quoted Groucho Marx, "I'd never join a club, who'd accept people like me as a member."
Nutshell, Groucho was not allowed to swim in the country club pool because he was Jewish, Groucho replied, "My son is only half Jewish. Can he go in up to his knees?"
Okcthunder312, Parents need to parent. No 5 year old needs an iPhone. Hell, no 12 year old does either.
Player #18202196
Player #18202196
I could be a DAR. My family are direct descendants of Betsy Ross. How cool is that!?!
Player #stilllearnin
Player #stilllearnin
Grace 2225, you are right that the NSDAR screwed up about Ms. Anderson. Many organizations in the 30s did. But today's DAR is entirely different and does many good works. And how many baseball fans enjoy the sport today, despite its history of segregation? There's nothing wrong with being proud of an ancestor's military service.
I am in DAR and have proven eight Patriots. A wonderful organization. We believe in God, Country and Home. We support our Veterans, Patriotic education and Historical Preservation.
Bon Bon
Bon Bon
panda5301, me too 😂 lol
Player #138391495
Player #138391495
Grace 2225, let. It. GO.
Mars V
Mars V
Grace 2225, Racism was part of everything back then. Did Jesse Owens get the hero’s welcome he deserved when he returned from Berlin?
Again thanks to my world class education.
Kosem Sultana
Kosem Sultana
I always thought that the DAR's treatment of African American singer Marian Anderson in the 1930's was horrible
Grace 2225, Marion Anderson expected to use the hall without advanced reservations for the area. That's how the myth of discrimination began. if she had reserved the day & time far enough ahead, it would have been available to her.
it should read NSDAR. National Society of the Daughters of the American Revoloution. It was founded when 4 women (with the required genealogical documentation) were denies membership to the NSSAR because of their gender. They decided to form one for women. It is based in Washington D.C. During WWII it was stopped being used for annual meetings so the government had rooms to use as office space and meeting rooms. Constituion Hall is used year round for performances.
My husband's side of the family came over on the Mayflower. Through tracing lineage at the Library of Congress, his sister found out their ancestors fought in the Revokution, the war of 1812, at the Alamo, and during the Civil War. The entire family is very patriotic
JJ, You probably didn't have a good teacher. A teacher can make it break a child's interest in anything. I had no interest in history. in my junior year of high school I had American history. We were told to take our books home, put them in a safe place and bring it back in June. We learned by lectures, class discussions, reports from info from the library, etc. I love history because of this teacher and still remember most of what I learned 75 years ago.
oh well, my bad, was never great with American history
Player #124754911
Player #124754911
Grace 2225, this is truth!
GracefulBeagle44798, as I am thank you
Delaware Against Redcoats 😂😂😂
Grace 2225, we are NOT our Grandmothers DAR. I am proud to be a member.
Nutshell, Your “subtle” mention of your eligibility in both organizations offers insight into your character as a person. I’d say……. they’re a perfect fit for you 🤣
We belong to the DAR from several different families. Came to this country at Jamestown and on the Mayflower.
I am a big history fan. especially the American revolution, where African Americans, slave or free, struck a blow for racial equality long before the American Civil War and proved their bravery in battle. African also served in the British army and served well.
I knew the answer to this question because I attended the Kate Duncan Smith Daughters of the American Revolution high school in Grant Al.
ThatFlyGirl, now I remember why I stopped playing this game. so much hating on one another and our country. what happened to take the good with the bad and stop trying to erase history and focus on making it a better place.
My Mom, sister, and I are members!
Thank you Gilmore Girls 😬
Dr W
Dr W
Ares, You can honor your ancestors without joining an exclusive club. And that's all the DAR is.
I'm a DAR on both sides of my family!
Player #21050063
Player #21050063
Are you smart I am
I do qualify to be a DAR
History books don't have the Revolutionary War anymore. They have the Vietnam War now.
learned this from watching Gilmore girls
It’s The Dragon
It’s The Dragon
Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of Liberty… I wonder, where is everyone getting their primary inspiration from?
didn't mention how they are extreme conservatives. weird