Which American hotel was the first to provide indoor plumbing?
Correct answer: Tremont House of Boston, 1829

Hansome Ray,
I lived in Philadelphia as a child and remember my grandmother had a"two holer' in her back yard. It went straight into the Delaware River with no flushing. The water we drank came from the Delaware River! There was so much chlorine added to purify it for drinking that my grandmother just put her dentures in a glass of water each night to keep them sparkling while. Don't think much has changed in my old neighborhood in the last 80 years. memories, memories

we don't know how good we got it! and I was excited to get a house with 2 bathrooms!

Really like this information

Player SQinfoNUTS
Player #103269, Fun fact: Eastern State penitentiary (in Philadelphia)had flush toilets before the White House did.

Thank God for hot and cold running water

cannot imagine a world without toilets and tp

ZealousJelly5831, Great story! So kind of you to share it, although I have to hope indoor plumbing is a bit more prevalant in your old neighborhood!

The cabin we used for vacations (1960-1980's) had no indoor plumbing. We had to pump the water and bring it in to cook and wash dishes. We also had separate men's and women's outhouses at the bottom of the hill. It was very close to a field so yo uhhh never knew what you would find in there, mice snakes,squirrels etc would be in there at any given time!

I used to live in the Californian mountain's and we had no running water or electric so we hollowed out a stump and screwed a toilet seat to it. IT actually worked well.

crazygrandma, yes, that's for sure. outhouses back in the day. in Northern Michigan, road trips were fun and grandma's cabin had an outhouse!

I remember as a kid in the 70s in Jamaica, we had an outhouse on our land from my grandpa and indoor plumbing but no hot water. we took showers in the outside shower that was connected to the huge water tank that was heated by the sun. So, only the first couple showers were warm. The rest were out of luck until the sun did its job again.

Vellie annette
ZealousJelly5831, I visited old Philadelphia and many houses had marked the privy location and the well location and they were side by side. It’s no wonder the average life span was so short.

my mom's family was extremely poor. they didn't have running water or electricity ( this was in 40's, 50's and 60"s they didn't even have an outhouse. we had to go behind the building where they stored seeds and corn we used rags, magazine pages and corn leaves and shucks!! their house was made with just a single layer of wood and you could literally look outside between the pieces of wood. freezing in winter and very hot during the summer there were no windows!

unfortunately some people in the rural areas of the United States still didn't have indoor running water in the 1980s they had to go to the outhouse to use the bathroom

Player #44972119
I’ve always said, the sewer system is by far the best invention ever created!!

OrneryLemming4611, I was born in 1989 my grandma on the other hand was born in 1929 her daughter my mom is her youngest(born1964) child out of 13.. and I remember the out house on the side of the house and the river and the end of the street.. and the old fire stove.. in the kitchen and heater in the living room..

Waldo Lydeker, Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706.

Waldo Lydeker, Ben lived in the 1700’s

Waldo Lydeker
Indoor plumbing? 1829? Benjamin Franklin was 23 years old then. That one got by him. Oh, yeah, he was in Philadelphia then, not Boston where he was born. That explains it.

I'm 70 and we used an outhouse till we moved to a different house in 1970!
We had a three-holer, by the way!

Vickie Apel
love the things we learn. so thankful to never have had to live without plumbing, electricity ect

Toots, I would always do a spider check. They loved hiding in the toilet tissue roll. lol!

Player SQinfoNUTS, that figures!!

Player #31160565
Player SQinfoNUTS, really. I have seen the eastern state penitentiary several years ago with a friend. it is falling apart quickly. they have tours.

Player #38618593
Every time I see a film about previous centuries, with beautiful gowns and gracious manners, I think oh, how romantic to have lived in those days. Then I remember indoor plumbing and - never mind . . .

Player #45505475
Eastern state penitentiary in Philadelphia,Pa is the FIRST building in the country to have flush toilets.

Black Ice
Here in 2021..out houses still exist

Player #22007309
Zell. I am a female , a rooster landed on my head when I was 2, they beat it off with a broom .I use that as an excuse for things I forget!

Player #22007309
ZealousJelly5831, remembering my great grandma with a one seater! other great grandma had indoor plumbing. guess which one was in west Virginia.

VibrantSelfishness2, my great grandmother lived in an ancient log cabin during the summer. It had electricity and running water only for kitchen. The outhouse was a one holer. I hated it because there was a wasp nest in it. No matter how many tumed Grandpa removed it, those nasty insects kept returning.

Player Allycat
It is now The Parker House Hotel in the same location, corner of Tremont & Beacon.

Player #23366704
crazygrandma, so very true!!!

Zell I'm 44 and I'm still afraid of chickens especially roosters I dunno they just freak me out lol

crazygrandma, Here we are now and we're ecstatic just to find Toilet Paper!!! :/

my grandparents had a 2 seater until 1965. I used it many times but never figured out who in the world would let someone else go at the same time. Never saw it used by more than 1 person at a time.

Zell. I am a female , That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing 😀

In Australia, women were not allowed to eat in the Bar room with the men! They had to eat in the separate Ladie's Room (which was not a toilet!) Toilets (known as "dunnies" were out the back. Women were allowed to watch horse races, but only from "up top". They were not allowed to sit with their husbands in the lower stands.

In the early 70's, when I just started elementary school, my parents moved to a new farm they were renting. A farmhouse with a big red barn (they had horses). Well the house didn't have a bathroom, only an outhouse. It was awfully cold going out in the Minnesota winter when you had to go. We all dealt with it fine until a storm took out the outhouse. The landlord installed a toilet and shower in the basement then.

ZealousJelly5831, thank you for sharing!