Who played Miss Froy in the 1979 film version of 'The Lady Vanishes'?
Correct answer: Angela Lansbury

Player #266028
also starred as Jessica Fletcher on murder she wrote

Bedknobs and Broomsticks! That was a great fun movie!!

Dame Angela also appeared in Samson & Delilah starring Victor Mature.

Player #5621402
Such a superb, natural actress. Great to watch.

She seems to be not only a great actress but a kind down to earth lady

Donna, Best bit of trivia. She cut her own hair. Always a lady!

LadyRoy, Did not realize she had the title of Dame- very well deserved! Thanks!

Player #51556157
she also starred as a young girl playing Elizabeth Taylor's sister in National Velvet.

Player #26379458
She was also a dancer and musical star !!!

Her name is right there on the poster.

toe jam
RIP, Angela. you looked alot like my mother who also passed away.

Taramaiden, Loved her in this also. I am a great fan of Murder She Wrote as well. I miss the days of just great stories and good acting.

Player Bengal Mama
this does not look like Dame Angela. she is usually dainty and refined.

PaperScissors, I along with others did/do not see her name in the picture.

Player #7509116
jamaicanladyroy56, he was behind me in grocery store Calif s.