What is the popular name given to the monster said to live in Loch Morar in Scotland?
Correct answer: Morag
Never heard of this one. Nessie is the popular one from Loch Ness
Loch Morar is 1000ft deep. Loch Ness is 600ft at it's deepest. Loch Morar is, however not as long as Loch Ness.
Dolores Allanson
Aldo, Would it be possible that there might be an underground waterway between the lakes?
GenerousMajesty62, wrong loch
I’ve never heard of that, I know someone who lived near to lock ness and she’s always referred to it as Nessie
You can rock it you can lock it but you’ll never find a Nessie in the zoo!!! I have never heard the Scottish legend of Nessie being called Morag, what next Bigfoot being called Gerald
Ahmin Walker
Jurassic Park is alive and well 👌
bulls hit... it's nessie
I always remember it as Nessie.
I always remember it as Bessie.
Player #266028
the famous photo of the monster is a fake
QuackingTank2311, not native to Scotland.