Who is the man in the picture?
Correct answer: Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.

He was very talented.

he was a great singer still enjoy his music now esp take me home

it seems that so many of us loved John Denver's music. Maybe a resurgance is in order? His messages are beautiful and human. just what we need now.

Kj Blunt
Fantastic songwriter

My favorite is Rocky Mt. High or Sunshine on My Shoulder, it's a toss up!! You can tell he loved life and was a real down to earth guy ( no pun intended) nothing phoney, very sincere kinda dude.💜 RIP John💜

Leah Thornton
Loved watching him Oh God with George Burns...

Player #1186115
Such a great loss

Player #942884
Rocky Moutain High,
He was and still is a beatuiful person😀

Swiss girl
I remember going to his funeral service with my mom. His concert was my very first concert (I was 10).

Rick Tellez
Always sing his “Country Roads” on karaoke night!

I saw him shortly before his accident at an Orioles game. They'd play "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" during the 7th inning stretch, and since he was there, he danced back and forth across one of the dugouts. I grew up on road trips with him as the soundtrack. ❤️

I loved John Denver. Great singer

John Denver’s songs are incredible. Saw him once in concert. A magical and memorable evening.

I thought it was John Denver 🤔 😳

PJ, who buys albums anymore??

Susan M
That was John Denver's real name! Wow

Legend! good guy.

he was indeed very talented. His music touches the soul

I loved him.

Hunger Knowledge
I ❤️ John Denver growing up as a child

tawiyela12, I need to find somewhere to buy some of his albums !!

I loved listening to his music. I graduated from Disco music to Hard Rock, while I was stationed at Ft Ord, which was positioned on the Coast of Monterey Bay, 1978-1979. It was the most traumatic 18 months I've ever experienced. It destroyed me.

It is John denver

I first saw John in 1968 when he was just starting out. It was my 1st year at Western State College in Colorado and he was performing in our small college outdoor venue. Country Road was one of my favorite songs and my go to karaoke. He was a really nice person and very talented.

John Denver was such a great singer & entertainer. He should have been more recognized for his humanitarian efforts, his musical talents and much more… I was a young teenager when I fell in love with him and his music; today at 62 yrs young I’m still in love with his music and will always be!! “You were absolutely correct regarding the beauty of Colorado, and the Rocky Mountains, Mr. Denver.” I was in living Colorado at the time of his accident. When I listen to his music today, I close my eyes and recall his concert in 1987 I had attended with Betty, my mother-in-law. She loved the concert and we both had such a wonderful time that night! John Denver is probably saying “Far Out!” right about now!!

isn't this John Denver?? Don't recognize this name!

Known as John Denver

I knew he was by the picture but seriously had no idea of the name by my 4 choices.

I didn't know his real 😳 name.

Loved his music. so many songs. Does anyone else remember "Grandma's feather bed"?

I grew up on John Denver's music. I have many of his albums. God bless him.

Gamerluv4687, So sorry for your loss. 😪

John Denver was one of my favorite singers. Didn't know he was related to the New Christy Minstrals. another one of my favorite groups. I have several of his LPs Such a loss of talent.

Excellent trick question! And the answer is his birth name which by the way I just learned. I love this game! 💜💜💜

I just love his voice. So sad that he got killed.

"Though the singer is silent, there is still the truth of the song". John Denver

Marvs☕, Annie's song always makes me cry

My all time favorite artist!

Karegiver55, i cannot pick a favorite because i enjoyed all his songs but yes, he is strongly missed 😢

Annie's song is one of my go to Shower Songs. I love to sing it.