What was the real surname of the US political reformer Malcolm X?

Correct answer: Little

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What people think about it: 36 Comments
Doc Mac!
Doc Mac!
I apologize to anyone that may become offended by my writings. It is my belief that racism is strongly based on a person’s social stature. I have been in a lower state that I currently hold and have found that racism feeds from a lower intellect. I have had the pleasure to meet highly intelligent and respectful African Americans that do not look at person’s skin tone. They focus on your intellect and demeanor. I was a Combat Medic for the 101st 2-502nd and deployed to Afghanistan. YOU do not notice the color of your battle brother’s skin because you are there to protect each other. RACISM feeds from ignorance. I ask everyone to research two aspects: percentages of racism in the military. States with higher percentages of college education verses those states with none (Race violence). You will find it amazing how much violence is decreased just by educating a population. Why is there not more programs offered by the government? This is would also help reduce and eventually eliminate poverty... Food for thought.
Player #3582272
Player #3582272
FunkyMonkey, And yet at the end of his book, which is called the Autobiography of Malcolm X he rejected his initial beliefs on segregation after his pilgrimage to Mecca. The book was narrated to Alex Haley over the course of years and his views changed drastically. Aside from the trip to Mecca his breaking with the Nation of Islam also freed him from their racism, which he rejected almost immediately upon breaking with them. His speeches in 1964 and 1965 are consistent with this. As for his relationship with the Nation of Islam his wife not only was convinced it was NOI members who killed Malcom, she's stated she thought Farrakhan either played a major role in ordering the hit or actually was a trigger man. Did Malcom preach racism in the early sixties? Absolutely. Did he later reject that racism and eventually come to see MLK as an ally? Absolutely. Watch the Spike Lee movie. It's excellent and very true to the source martial, the Autobiography.
Folks, chill. We're playing a game here.
Steph, in what world do you live? I hope you're not serious. Any race is capable of racism. Sorry, but it's just human nature. Blame Adam.
soccer ponk
soccer ponk
Steph, open a dictionary. any can be racist, including African Americans.
Doc Mac!, Have to keep the masses dumb so most politicians can stay in office. The poorest states also have the worst educational systems, and they consistently vote against their best interests. And the majority of the poorest states are in the South. I have lived in the South since 1968. Fighting ignorance daily!
And as much as he promoted his race and hated whites, it was black Muslims who assassinated him!
Daddio, George Washington was doing illegal things, and many others. sometimes to change the world you must break the rules.
Player #1726311
Player #1726311
Steph, Are you serious ?? can you look at this 🌎, think for your self, & truly say black ppl. cant be racist ? Girl, wake up !!!!!
FunkyMonkey, And after his pilgrimage to Mecca he changed his stance! it was during the pilgrimage that he met white muslims which sparked the change of heart. his autobiography was before the pilgrimage.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
The Nation of Islam wanted him out of the way after he broke with them and began to speak his own mind. Don't scream at me; it's in his biography and the movie.
violence and hatred from any human towards another perpetuates violence and hatred !!!
Player #73957527
Player #73957527
Doc Mac!, Amen!!
Player #11653451
Player #11653451
Player #33080985, Where did you get your so called “Facts “ from???
Roger Sebastian
Roger Sebastian
WaldoLydeker, right on, brother.
Doc Mac!, makes sense. Low income, and poor education is the cause of many problems in our society
WaldoLydeker, of course there are going to be a lot of long , drawn out responses… this is an intellectual game lol 😂
Player #43584441
Player #43584441
cazzy, in the military you are all Americans taking care of each other- much like our nation used to be. we were known as the great melting pot, meaning many ethnicities together forming a strong nation in solidarity.
Player #33080985
Player #33080985
Doc Mac!, the government invested $2trillion dollars for the advancement of blacks and then some. only 2% took full advantage of the program.
Doc Mac!, why is the military one of the least racist places? if it is true, what can we learn?
Loc Cle
Loc Cle
Malcolm's father was murdered by the KKK in IL. He was tied up and left on fr tracks so a train could run over him. In Autobiography of Malcolm X it was killed because of his anti-racism activities as a Baptist preacher.
Doc Mac!, I agree with you 100% I don’t have a college degree but my parents never taught hatred only acceptance and as a former Army Medic I fully understand what it means to be brothers in arms! Thanks for your service!
Hey doc mac my people didn't have to be educated to realize that 434 years of Slavery was not only Wrong but in most cases Dead Wrong. And here it is a hundred years AND a new Millennem LATER and y'all still shooting Us down like Dogs in the Streets. I'd trade Basic Human Decency for an education any day of the week and twice on Sunday
Player #19599322
Player #19599322
racism is wrong and all races have it cause its sin.
Player #34483795
Player #34483795
Doc Mac!, I agree with you one hundred percent, and, thank you for your service.
Player #11430241
Player #11430241
Doc Mac!, well said my brother
Player 1994
Player 1994
Tamedgoofyrhino67, Human nature???
Player #31056258
Player #31056258
The Nation of Islam is not viewed as Islamic by any group that is actually considered Muslim...
Player #don e
Player #don e
racism and hate have been around forever and always will be. it's human nature unfortunately. as long as there is hatred there will be racism and violence. it's sad to say and sad to see but we must first STOP THE HATE.
Player #17824112
Player #17824112
7734usay, then go somewhere else . i also lived in az and ppl there are def racist against Hispanics....jus sayin
Player #17824112
Player #17824112
Doc Mac!, oh...we are also military brats...
Player #6482125
Player #6482125
snajr, Be specific when you say stuff like this. What illegal things did he do specifically?..
Player #15184722
Player #15184722
Doc Mac!, thank you for serving. 😀😀😀
X was his real surname Little was his slave name. Have you never listened to him speak?
BossG16lady lioness, where's the line? There's been hate & violence since the dawn of man. Seen any neanderthal lately? No because "someone " used hate & violence. No one group gets the golden ticket on creating racism but together we can eliminate it!
Doc Mac!, or bad upbringing from racist parents and grandparents and peer pressure from the other racist people. They don't even question it.