In Greek mythology, who was the faithful dog of Odysseus?
Correct answer: Argos

I just felt my heart breaking. :(

too sad

Player #7952556
I knew this from a poem. Argus was a puppy,
Frisking full of joy.
Ulysses was his master,
Who sailed away to Troy.
Argus was on the seashore
Watched the ships white track,
And barked a little puppy bark
To bring his master back.
Argus was an old dog,
Too grey and tired for tears,
He lay outside the housedoor
And watched for twenty years.
When twenty years were ended
Ulysses came back from troy.
Argus wagged an old dogs wag,
And then he died for joy.
Eleanor Farjeorn

I couldn't have walked past

My beloved dog, Jesse, died three days ago. He's buried next to his brother, Asa, outside my bedroom window. Was playing this game as a distraction....

dogs are amazing and are a species we should aspire to be more like. intellect comes in many forms

Player briwhi
Dogs are truly the most loyal and faithful friends. Never met a bad dog. Just bad owners.

Player #2618562
So sad Argos died not knowing why Odysseus snubbed him. Poor faithful dog. 🐶

Gracious 7
DustyMephit94864, Super Sad

So sad!! 😞😢

Player #7952556, Thank you for that nice poem. PoorvArgus.

Player #2462639, you’ll meet them again on the Rainbow Bridge

Player #2618562, He knew

Player #41360751
Player #7952556, thanks for sharing the poem!!!

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of my beautiful dog passing, I still miss her as much today. This broke my heart 💔

Player #34089725
Our dog Sandy of 13yrs died last week. our hearts are broken.

Player #31233122
Argos means slow in greek

nimblemoon, me too!😭

mendel 234
it is just that Argos wanted to see his master once before it is dead.

Moogirl61, I feel your pain. We lost our dog 4 days before Christmas. I’m still grieving.

Uninitialized, what a beautiful poem!!!

Player #25874027
Be more dog

At least Argus lived to see his master again. In the Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark", Fry's dog spends the rest of his life in front of the pizza shop waiting for Fry to come back before finally dying of old age.

Player #25660210
nimblemoon, me too. I love dogs.

Player #2618562, He knew, oh he know his papa came to free them all.

Player #20203562
Moogirl61, 💔

nimblemoon, me too

no. xx

Lord! Required reading in Jr high, don't know how my 7th grade heart could've stood this part of the story!

Canis Lupus
Moogirl61, So very sorry for your tragedy. My heart goes out to you for I have experieced the pain you are feeling. Hang in there. Please think about rescuing for their is a miserable dog out there somewhere that nobody else wants who will be so perfect to begin to healing your broken heart .

Aotearoa MWYN
love this story and the tv version love Greek mythology xxx

Moogirl61, just as soon as you can go get some new doggies.

SAC69, I suggest you get yourself a simple book on mythology Greek and Latin And get the basics. So many stories that we have today are based on these stories. Did you enjoy yourself

Player Elf Counsel
SAC69, I believe he did.

Jumblemania, me either


Moogirl61, sorry for your loss.