Which U.S. TV comedy series proclaimed that it was "coming to you from beautiful downtown Burbank"?
Correct answer: Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In

wish we could bring Laugh In back

Even Richard Nixon was a guest, saying "sock it to me?" Had to be there.

One of my fave memories of growing up on Sunday night tv w/ family. Hilarious !!!

Loved it- never missed it. Lordy, do we need an updated version of Laugh-In right now (2018)!!!

One of my favorite shows back then. I liked Alan Sue's,
Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the Operator, and Arte Johnson
as the dirty old man.

You bet your sweet bippy.

One of the better comedies at that time! I love it!!

It helped pave the way for SNL.

Delta Tango
Didn't Richard Dawson star on Hogan's Hero's prior to Laugh In?

I just bought the whole DVD set of Laugh-In for my husband for his 65th birthday. Humor and TV has sure changed.

Giggle Pig
1965DragonQueen, there is no way most of the people playing this game remember that show. I remember it being on but there’s no way my parents would’ve let me watch it.

1965DragonQueen, remakes of old shows and movies are rarely as good.

Loved laugh in. watched it every week. My memory has never been good on details. When old show come up, I remember watching them and the comments come back kvwith others Givin details. I onlyvremember the names of the shows. Frustrating and kind of embarrassing

loved that show, it was true comedy at its best during that era

JimmyLovesQL, And Here Comes Da Judge!

GCA70, And Billy “The Evangelist” Graham saying, The family that watches Laugh In, needs to be praying together. I got to admit it was hard to see the party scene, with bathing suit gals go go dancing. I think I was ten years old. We lived in Southern California, later it was more difficult to go to the beaches. Some women dressed in scantily clad bikinis. Yup, you needed to pray, hahaha!

1965DragonQueen, There’s the reruns in syndication. Sock It To Me!

Inky P
I offer this retraction, Laugh in is correct not Smothers Brother's
sorry 'bout that.

Inky P
1965DragonQueen, I am not in agreement that it was the Smothers Brother's show because Johnny Carson also used that saying on the Tonight show.

Summer maddness1968, They did a"New Laugh In" in the eighties. I remember it because that's where Robin Williams first appeared before he showed up on Happy Days...

That was a great time to live. I absolutely love Goldie Hawn's bubbly laughter. As Arte would say, "Hmm, very interesting."

Woman on Fire
IrreverentArchon3186, Yes we do. But some producer would take all the implied innuendo and turn it into actual reality and it would lose its charm and credibility that made it so special and unique.

Goldie Hawn was adorable (so young!). She went straight from Laugh-In to Cactus Flower and an academy award.

IrreverentArchon3186, GO with the syndicates, fools today would mess it up. NO imagination

1965DragonQueen, I watched one rerun episode and it just wasn't funny anymore....

Betty Franziska
ghostsRreal63, yes, comedy is no longer funny! Back in “the day” we would all be sitting around laughing our “sweet bibbys off!

It would be awesome if they do that again.

MeSmartU2, I believe that it was Flip Wilson with "Here come the judge "

I'm laughing just thinking about it...

Player #47990899
here come the judge here come the judge

Mike Thomas
oh yeah. Nixon has always been one of my favorite comedians, lol

Player #46791793
Delta Tango, yes he did!

R. H.
I loved this show! It had a great cast. And was a funny time capsule of current events. But I don't think it would go over well now. People now a days don't know how to laugh at themselves because they are too critical about everything. People seem too readily to look to see if they are being discriminated against. SNL is close to Laugh In, but I think Laugh In was funnier.

R. H.
I loved the show. It was a time capsule of current events at that time. I love watching the re-runs when I can. But I don't think it would work now a days because people don't know how to laugh at themselves instead of being so critical. And too readily looking to see if
they've been discriminated in one way or another. And I'm talking about everyone.

Player #37520272
Ammy, I was born in 55 and know about things news, music, movies, etc. from the 20s thru the 50s till. now. History doesn't start the day you. we're born. Knowledge is power.

Player #34773560
one ringydingy

I can't remember the last time I felt so young

Cowgirl 1119
Sorry y’all but I have never heard of it

Player #34661187
loved the flying fickle finger of fate that was handed out each show.

Player #17909261
One of the BEST shows ever! Everybody who was Anybody appeared on Laugh In! When I'm watching "Laugh In" I'm "Feeling Groovy"!