Who did Robert Ford shoot and kill in 1882?

Correct answer: Jesse James

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player #1922606
Player #1922606
My great grandfather was neighbors to the James family. They were forced off their land by the railroad. Jesse’s mom lost her arm because the railroad threw dynamite in her home, killing Jesse’s handicapped brother and his mom lost her arm from it. My ancestry would feed them when they came through always leaving money under their plates when they left. Have a picture of great grandpa with Frank James when he was older.
Player Nanny B
Player Nanny B
Player #1922606, my great great grandpa was Post Master and rode in posse that chased Jesse James in last robbery in MN. love hearing history
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
I used to live near where Jesse James robbed a train and had supposedly hidden the gold in the surrounding desert hills, but it had never been found. I spent a lot of time exploring that desert and found amazing native artifacts, pottery and jewelry - but never any gold.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Player #4645883
Player #4645883
Robert Ford, was a total coward, he couldn't even face Jesse James, who was shot n the back
Da' Boss
Da' Boss
i had to guess on this one
Player #2707276
Player #2707276
Jimbo Slice, my great great grandfather has been the man accused of being Jessie James. Not true but it still did not stop my grandfather cousin to give permission to desecrate his grave and DNA test his remains. Results inconclusive. So odd to be a James at times!
Player #3532216
Player #3532216
i cant imagine living back then.
If you ever want to visit some historic sites concerning Jesse James and the Quantrill Raiders visit Kearney, Liberty, and Concordia Missouri
"What goes around comes around." Or, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Sad story. Bad decisions all around.
Tough one. Thanks for the life lines.
Player #2707276, Jesse james did mention that there were quite a few JJ impersonation back in the day which is what was supposed to have been buried and not the real JJ apparently both JJ and Billy the Kid had lived until the early 1950s under various names
I have a lot of sympathy for the James/Younger gang. Especially, the James. I would be hard pressed to NOT seek revenge. The wealthy in those days (today too) had huge superiority complexes AND huge levels of self-importance. They were enraged that a poor white family, jump to leave their home, for "progress" sake. So, they set explosives. For the "greater good" of progress.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
DryHotshot80177, So very true.
I named my dog Jesse James he had steel gray eyes when he was a pup, just reminded me of pictures I'd seen of Jesse . I call my dog James it fits him better . Bob Ford was a despicable coward
lashtx, is that a reference to Huckleberry Finn being Tom Sawyer's BFF? (Doc is volunteering to always back up Wyatt).
constantgamer0421, also, "I'm your huckleberry." Best line ever! Lol
constantgamer0421, he also portrayed Wyatt Earp in "Wyatt Earp's Revenge"
Dub, which is how I got this one right. Lol!
Player #1922606, My great grandma was taught to shot a pistol by Jesse James. My mother still owns the gun.
I am a Chisholm and Jesse robbed some of my relatives.
Player #42056262
Player #42056262
Player #1922606, wow! Amazing!!
A how many times removed Great Uncle of mine once had to share a bed with him in a bunkhouse...
Player #37211722
Player #37211722
Player Nanny B, if you like history watch the documentary Jessie James hidden treasure.you will see that Bob Ford did not kill Jessie.
Player #11646267
Player #11646267
Player #1922606, what that's cool
Player #1922606, Jesse is a distant relative of mine. my maiden name is Bickers
Player john shaft
Player john shaft
Jesse James career came about through circumstances he did what he had to do
Player #1922606, cool history in your family
Player #21374632
Player #21374632
Player #3532216, hah and they couldn’t imagine living life like today,,
Player #21374632
Player #21374632
Player #1922606, wow ,,what a story,,would like to hear more,,,etc
Player #13707354
Player #13707354
Player #5710373, they should all get together and write some books.
In the back! The last true wild frontier tamed by regular people. It's bound to creat some amazing men and women. The West was so much more crazy than anybody or movie will tell you. Doesn't make sense cause we done been everywhere now but just think if you could do that. Keeping it real.
Dub, that sort a gave the answer away, didn't it?
Dub, is a good movie..I bought the blue ray cd
In Callidge
In Callidge
Player #1922606, history is told by those who controlled it. Here is something you won't read in a current high school history book
my great grandfather got shot for cheating at poker by Jesse James
Player #1922606, my family's history claims that Jesse James is an ancestor. I have not been able to prove it, but we are from that area. I believe the story is that my great grawas a cousin.
Player #9914179
Player #9914179
Player #1922606, I thought it was made up for kids to think about and make up games. bang bang your dead I'm Jesse 💀 James.
Player #1922606, My husband's great Grandpa traded horses with Jesse James
Player #1922606, we grew up every year going to the grave of Frank james in Hill Park with my school and hearing the stories of the James brothers. this is why Missouri and Kansas hate each other today. the way they treated the Jane's after the war. we grew up hating jayhawkers.