Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was captured in 1960 in which South American country?
Correct answer: Argentina

His death was much to humane after the crimes he commited against those he had killed. May God have his vengance upon him.

he was a sick man

Player #8096401, can't you just play the game and learn a few things? politics do not belong here. I REALLY don't care who you hate. It is not cool to spew your hatred on a GAME forum!

Player #148405 you are ignorant for attacking Sir Cool 1 personally. If you do not like his opinion, refute it, or condemn it. Attacking him as a person just shows that you know nothing, and are nothing.

don't hold that against Argentina.. it is a wonderful nation

Alan M
A great book about his capture by the Moussad in Argentina.
Called “ House on Garibaldi street “
Great read on how a small group of Israeli agents captured on smuggled Eichmann back to Israel

Player #8096401, politics do not belong here! It is a game, a game where we learn neat things, not a political forum!

vlooi, evil is a better word for what he was

ChoctawCharli, I disagree with you. I don’t think their statements are political. And people have freedom of speech to say whatever they want wherever they want.

Player. Ty
I didn't like the new movie that they made, It was so off course.👿

They all fled there it seems like

Player #130998363
Free speech is wonderful.

ChoctawCharli, deservedly inhumane. A witness to his body after his death said he strangled to death.

ChoctawCharli, how on earth is this political? I think world has agreed that this man was part of an evil machine that murdered millions of innocent lives. Would a serial killer be considered political? Wow!

It is difficult to comprehend that anyone could be so cruel and heartless...but he was. I don't understand how one goes from infant to monster.

ChoctawCharli, Well said. The haters are everywhere trying to ruin things for and indoctrinate the rest of us.

vlooi, He was an evil soul.

Player Elf Council
rosedancer56, Doesn't it say in the ten commandments .. I thy God am a jealous God. Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the sons even unto the third and fourth generation. Sounds pretty vengeful to me.

he had a spiritual counselor...why?

Player #3158279
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