''Reversible Error'' as applies to the US, is related to what subject?
Correct answer: Law

If a person is found innocent, can there be a reversible error (double jeopardy)?

Player #19719147
VauntedSquire6311- a mistrial is if the trial cannot be concluded in a fair manner and would be declared before the trial is over. Reversible error is after a verdict has been given and the trial is concluded but new evidence comes forth that could exonerate a person wrongfully convicted.

DNA is a good example

silly millie
I don't think so.

TwoDroll, no

Player. Ty

Missed the ? 'cause I was thinking "enviroment", for some reason; but I'm pretty sure reversing an error only applies if it's in the defendant's favor. One would think/hope this holds true in criminal cases. However, in civil matters, who knows. Better hear from an attorney on this one.