“Freethought Today” is a publication of which organization?
Correct answer: Freedom from Religion Foundation

I am happy to get it wrong just to answer Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Player ccbkd, finally something real and no brain washing

In an ideal world, all governments should be secular. That allows freedom to follow what you think is the path to truth. The US is very backward regarding this. It shouldn't be an obligation to have a faith to be President. It should be on merit.

Player #33436140
I'm sick on walking on eggshells when it comes to religion, they can say what ever they want but if someone even just whispers something in their view that's negative, they cry and complain while saying things like "Don't insult my faith" etc.

separation of church and state is a good thing. France did it in 1905.

RarStowRaggy8981, it's even better than Pastafarians.