Which famous painting is also known as 'La Gioconda'?
Correct answer: Mona Lisa

I saw it many years ago and hadn't realised how small it was. The bullet proof glass didn't allow you to study it as closely as you would like, but a great experience.

don't bother visiting the Louvre in midsummer, it's so crowded you'll never get close enough to see anything

Su Xieli
RedSeaDiver69, yes, I lived in Paris, and like you, I was surprised by the smallness of the work in contrast to it's huge reputation. Reminds me of something Frank Lloyd Wright's son said. When his father passed away and he went to see him, he was first struck by hiw small his father was. For his personality made him seem larger than life in person!

La is the feminine version of the, with Le being the male version. Using that info I knew the painting would be of a woman.

Leonardo da Vinci took the painting with him when he went to France, the portrait was never handed over to the person who commissioned it

Player SQinfoNUTS
:(Nancy E):, Actually the BEST way to learn about other places. Read before and / or after. GO > soak up everything. peace.

Player lintynubela
I have seen up close to the Mona Liza without bullet proof glass and I can tell you it's so beautifully painted .Leonardo M
y favourite Artistxxx

Player Tystyx
Some believe it's a self portrait of Leonardo himself

Player #9516741
Anibear315, I've been there to see the Mona Lisa in the spring and fall several times and had no problem taking pictures but all you get is one not as good as you could buy. Just look and enjoy.

Her enigmatic expression (no smile) is thought to have occurred because her teeth were unattractive. Also posing means keeping a fixed posture & expression for a long time. Therefore less likely to see smiling portraits & early photos.

Nat apple
I went in 95 was 10 I was shocked it was so small but the eyes r a mystery

RA Skelton, Gioconda means “joyful” and it comes from Latin “iucundus”. I know because that’s my name and looked it up.

It was such a disappointment to see in person... so small and diminutive... it almost seemed like an afterthought.

RA Skelton
So what does the word Giaconda itself actually mean?

I wonder do we just think this painting is so amazingly wonderful because it's so famous and we've been seeing copies of it since early childhood? There are a million paintings in the world and frankly I think many many many of them are every bit as good as this one!

Nat, “Il” is actually the masculine, “le” is feminine plural.

I was able to visit the Louvre in Paris in January 2013. Walked right up to the Mona Lisa painting without any trouble with crowds. A sight to see!

Birdiemom, ok,thanks for the info

CleanSalsa48209, right. he was not going to add the eyebrows until he got paid for it.

Christ Requin
I know a lot of paintings but I didn't know their nicknames 😅

The Louvre is amazing, though I think the Mona Lisa is highly over-rated

the painting you see in the Louvres isn't the real one. The original is locked in a safe

Destynee Everly
This is incredible. Imagine having a portrait painted and still survived many decades later and became one of the most precious art ever in the world. Leonardo is exceptionally an outstanding artist. Amazing.

Linda Reiger
Nat, good catch on the feminine article. I considered The Scream, figuring scream was likely feminine in Italian. so I used a second chance card and bought the Little Darlin.

Player #35232235
I am french so I understood

Apparently there are some interesting anomolies in this when using a mirror to change its appearance. He was well practise and keeping meanings in his work very cryptic and often extremely difficult to work out. Some of his designs, letters and notes suggest that he may have been in contact with a provider of advanced yet ancient knowledge. This has occurred throughout history including the great Merlini or Merlin. A brilliant minded individual is given guidance by what they describe as "their mysterious friend". Merlin even described his to Aurelius (Arthur's Grandfather) as being from another realm but had remained on his shoulder for many years. It would leave if insulted but otherwise offered accurate predictions and scientific secrets.

I knew it is Mona Lisa but my finger did night watch:)

Nat, That would be in French. Luckily "La" is the Italian feminine aswell, whereas "Le" is not the masculine :-)

RedSeaDiver69, I saw it in 2002. No glass but the crowd around it was so thick, me so short, & it so small, that I was a tad disappointed in not getting a good look at it. But the whole Louvre experience was very memorable!

Player #23041419
Su Xieli, smart thinking!

Mona Lisa was an ordinary wife of a farmer.Leonardo da Vinci's drawing "Mona Lisa"is famous of its mysterys.Nobody ever found out if she was smiling or if she was sad.When u look at the painting of Mona Lisa,her eyes seem to follow u.

I have a reprint in my lounge Priceless of course l have seen the masterpiece at the Lourdes Paris .. OE days Pai Marika Mihai x

QuizzLand God

Player Gigi #28446253
I recently read an in depth biography of DaVinci. He was an amazing genius and an artist better than any other. Very interesting life.

I saw this in '99 before they placed glass around it. Was surprised at how small it is. Highly recommend visiting The Louvre and as many museums in Paris as you can!

Player #25874027
If Leonardo himself took it to France - no chance .
As there is dispute as to who it actually is even the Girardini family would not have a claim.

Rhythm Sahota
Thanks,I acully don't know really

How can it possible to drawing it
Means it looks like real

Monalisa is the famous drawing in word 😯😯