Who was this man?

Correct answer: Galileo Galilei

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
I love this game but it greatly disturbs me when there is a racial argument going on in the comments for 2 questions in a row. People we are 1 race and that is HUMAN. We all have one thing in common and that is a heart. It beats in all our chests at about the same rhythym. Let's try and remember that and use that same heart and love each other. Peace.
Isn’t that the 16th and 17th centuries ?
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
kjbkjb58, man, what is your problem with white people. How about just amazing man?
With all these wild names celebrities are picking for their kids, why hasn't anyone picked Galileo? So far, in over 400 years, he's been the only one.
666DeAdMaN6664, Ok no offense as I rarely am negative if someone says they miss a question but really as several have said photography was not an option back then and if you are unhappy with the game play then uninstall it and problem solved. I know common sense is lost on some but really...??
I was so close . I picked Nicholas Copernicus instead Of Galileo. I was debating between those two.
EvilEve9, one team, one game, one race, human race
WaldoLydeker, if I get a new cat, I promise I will name it Galileo😅
somehow I knew this right away, the subconscious is an amazing thing
I'm amazed by how many photos I recognize. I studied Britanica Encyclopedias years ago and that's how I learned everything
Wannabe Vulcan, After renouncing that "false doctrine" he continued with "and yet it still moves"
intropilot , My parents taught me the same
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
intropilot , mainly because people do not know how to handle others having different opinions. That is a recent phenomenon.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Player #24358685, the church forced him to renounce the "false doctrine" that the Earth orbits the sun. (The same church that had Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for the same "crime" of being right.) Try to rewrite history all you want -- it won't retroactively change the facts.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Player Gigi #28446253, Galileo, William Shakespeare, and Christopher Marlowe we're all born in the same year. Isaac Newton was born (on Dec. 25th) the same year Galileo died.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Rose, "forgiven" for what?! He did nothing wrong on the first place! His only "crime" was being right about the solar system, while the church insisted on being wrong.
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
GraceSpace, and asymmetrical, I presume?
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
WaldoLydeker, what about the space probe that went to Jupiter? Or the shuttle craft from the starship Enterprise?
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
WaldoLydeker, what about the space probe that went to Jupiter? Or the shuttle craft from the USS Enterprise?
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Neil, good catch. I missed that.
pleiadianphanter, Could also be a Great name for a Goat ... lol say this as we had a Goat named Picasso cos His coat was multi- coloured in kinda Cubinistic way 🤣
EvilEve9, right on!
Centenarian, Um, an oil painting is not a photo.
Neil, No, you're in the 16th century when the years are 1501 to 1600, and so on.
EvilEve9, Unless you have some weird health problem, everybody has the same colour of blood, too.
LoopyLynda74, ai, some people !!. Did you know that Galileo was forgiven by the Catholic church 600 years after his death!
Player #44608313
Player #44608313
EvilEve9, evil eve for world president. oyez
When I got my Ham Radio license more than 50 years ago, I received a VERY wise piece of advice that you all might want to consider: Never get involved in a conversation about either Politics or Religion.
Centenarian, lol, you'd have to be 100+ 🤣🤣
Player #36679445
Player #36679445
EvilEve9, it is so good to hear that we have become so divided and it's going to take a lot of love and peace feelings to bring us back together
Player #38558434
Player #38558434
Player #2057775, No just the 16th
Player #36215423
Player #36215423
Sandyberry, Unlike current sheltered workshops for intellectuals, those universities probably places of true learning.
Melissa, So was I, only I picked Galileo😉
The Cat Man
The Cat Man
Melissa, I know what you mean. They were like brothers from other mothers!
The Cat Man
The Cat Man
Actually, he looks like...me!
Player #31640286
Player #31640286
Player #2057775, why, when it goes to a ad for a question, if i don't download it does it give me a X
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
Player #24358685, most people care if it is right or wrong, and in this case i guess there have been a lot of people wrong (except you of course) because I have always read that he spent time LOCKED up which would indicate having his freedom taken away or "in jail"!. it was the church who had him locked up and it was called heresy for going against the official church doctrine.
Player Gigi #28446253
Player Gigi #28446253
he ended up spending time in jail because of his heretical teachings. he and daVinci lived during the same period. what an amazing time that must have been!
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
gamehappy0728, first of all, he was hardly locked up. He stayed at the Bishop's estate, who happened to be one of his dearest (and much wealthier) friends. He was not only comfortable; he lived better than in his regular life This tale has become so completely twisted over the centuries. Another very important point that is ignored is that Galileo was not accused of heresy. He was teaching the Copernican theory at the (Catholic) University, as directed by the Church. Galileo taught it as fact when it was not yet proven, rather than as a theory. Galileo was punished for asserting as fact what he could not prove--an important (and huge!) distinction. Also important is that, while Galileo was ultimately right about his conclusion of fact, his arguments for it were actually wrong. So the Church was also right in sanctioning him for his hubris. Today, professors with tenure spout whatever enters their brain and. their fellow profs fall over each other to praise the brilliance--who cares if it's correct??? But that's the tall and skinny of that topic.
Player #11408880
Player #11408880
Galileo sure sounds like a cool name. I will suggest it to anyone seeking for a newborn's name