In 2012 who became the oldest verified male in history?
Correct answer: Jiroemon Kimura

Can you imagine what those men have seen? We can say they were born two centuries ago, lived in an era what now we study as history, experienced world wars, political- , moral-, technical changes and now passed away in the era of supercomputers.
Incredible life path.

he lived and witnessed so much history! it would've been so cool to hang out with him!

I took care of a lady for over a year, who was about 95. She told me eye witness stories of events--now history. She related how she rode the train during WWII, and enjoyed a train full of soldiers on leave,

KatyB #34109037
Read some comments about what these people have seen I worked for many years with the elderly but the people who got my attention were some elderly I met whilst on holiday they played with little well worn stones I asked what they were playing and this was the answer . We had no toys to play with so we found these stones and have always played same game we made up whilst we were in the Concentration Camp, only then did I see they all had numbers tattooed on their arms

Player #8388704
my own grandmother lived till she was 105 years born before the Boar War she told us many wonderful stories. She passed away when I wa s 31 years

Boy, that makes me tired to just think of living that long!!!

Player #1443092
that's totally amazing he lived at long a hundred and 16 years

Fun guy
at 100 Canada sends you a letter from the prime minister & the governor general.

( Snail Darter)
mammy1027, Could you imagine collecting a pension and Soc. Security that long?? The Gov’t would end up sending out a hitman to wipe you off its payrolls......

Player #9442102
Player #8388704, I had a grandfather who lived to 101. My Mom was 92.

EliteLawyercat57024, Crikey, a whole trainload of soldiers!?
I bet she was popular at the docks when the fleet was in harbour!

So, Methusala, Noah, et al weren't verified males?

wow he lived in 3 centuries

hvnfun, to be a witness to the history being made, and I just won't be ready to die before 116!

( Snail Darter), LOL

Red England
Fun guy, in Great Britain when u reach 100 u receive a card from the reigning monarch - now Charles III. Couples celebrating their 60th we’d anniversary also receive a card.

My mom predicted her death at the age of 104! My favorite story is her walking 4 miles, in the snow, back and forth to school!🤣

Most of the men are from Japan

Republic of China
Fun guy,
Same for the United Kingdom but the Queen do it

He passed in 2013. But there was another man in the last few days who died at 119.

Fun guy, I believe you also get a letter from the Queen

Has anyone noticed how 3 of the elders pass away around December? May they all Rest In Peace.

Soleil10001, my granddaughter came home from school and asked her grandad if he knew who the Beatles were and did he like them, oh yes he said did you study them in music? oh no she said - history! l looked at him as one Baby Boomer to another and said don't cry! xx

Player #8388704, I think it was the Boer War, sorry! Just giggling at the thought of pigs with guns! 😂

Fun guy, it's the same in Sweden. When/if you reach 100 y/o you receive a letter from the King.

Was Harry Patch not 117?

I looked him up and he attributed his long life to never smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and only eating til he was 80% full.

Player #25874027
It asks who BECAME the oldest man in 2012. He then lived until 2013 .

EliteLawyercat57024, Ooer, I say!

Can Man
so was he 115 and 253days? or 116 and 53days ?

Player #8388704, you were blessed to have had her for so long .My pa grandmother lived to 99

Soleil10001, 7

RadicalSecret69410, no, the 1800's were the 19th century, just as the 1900's were the 20th century etc.

Player #3532789
Player #3124051, I did!!!!

Ce5 Friend, get over yourself