The call signs "7-Mary-3 and 7-Mary-4, responding" meant that cops from which US TV series were on their way?
Correct answer: CHiPs

loved watching it as a kid

had the Lunch Box making me the big-pimp of 2nd Grade.
Bow-Down all you Eight Year Olds!

charlieCamp, The
e rock band 7 Mary 3 actually took their name from watching an episode of CHiPs. they were tired of trying to come up with a cool name.

Loved this show as a kid ❤️. Had such a crush on Ponch at the time. I recently binge watched the series and still enjoyed it, although not quite as much near the end of the series. I have never seen any of the shows made after it went off nor the movies. Kinda didn't want to mess with the good old memories, ya know?

JasonR1972, YOU HAD THE LUNCHBOX ?????
Dude, I tip my cap to you ! 😆 😁

Player #48458
JasonR1972, I used to enjoy chips. they never acted like some cops today. I especially liked Erik estrada

Player woody2327
I also noticed that in ALMOST ecery episode, a car flipped over.

my mom had a crush on Ponce, so on the way to my home, on her first visit to California, we stopped for coffee at a rest stop. There were two CHP inside and there motorcycles were parked out front. My mom lost her cool and asked them for a picture. They were delited and posed like the movie stars!!!
When we got the pictures printed (yes it was that long ago) the CHP pictures were not there. We were told that it is against the law to take a picture of any officer when they are on duty or even off duty if they are in uniform. If they are in uniform their badge will show and therefore their name Who knew?

Player #24435941
KILLean17, There was one I saw where the ramp broke loose and was seen in the film and they didn't remove it.

and they never had to draw their weapon.

Ponch was Fine!!!!!

Sandyberry, it was one of the first " babewatch" series to be televised. pretty racy for the era

Player #24905305
constantgamer0421, I met Erik Estrada at a fun run for law enforcement... he of course was a lot older and super flirtatious..😆

they showed the humanity of cops

JasonR1972, down wit it

Rolando Mota Sinsema
Player. Ty, Ocean.& Mary are the phonetic alphabet for the radio. as in if you spell someone's name. Ty, would be tom, young. this follows APCO procedures.

Player. Ty
The only thing I remember from ADAM-12 was every Cop call on the radio was" Ocean Ida Sam" what the hell did that mean?

Both stars Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox did not fulfill the full run due to contract disputes. Estrada was both 7-Mary-3 and 15-Mary-6. Bruce Jenner was 15-Mary-19. Bruce Penhall was 15-Mary-8 and Kathy Linahan was 15-7-Mary-10. Wilcox left after Season 5. Estrada disrupted the latter part of Season 5.

Player woody2327, -- AFTER ( what should've been) a 'regular' rear- end crash then suddenly flips! [what ramps?] 😁😁

Darthraider33, Thanks for sharing 😀

loved that show

California highway patrol and highway patrol are both correct answers

Darthraider33, I saw 7 Mary 3 live, like 24 years ago, they were great; they were part of a huge lineup for Livestock, a 3 day concert in Zephyrhills FL @ Festival Park.

JasonR1972, 😂😂😂