How long was Secretariat’s horse racing career?
Correct answer: 16 months

what an amazing animal

Lou Lou
Would be interesting to know what happened to him after he was done racing.

Bbearmomma, I used to train race horses in the 80's, here in Kansas. The best I did was 2nd, in a race, in New Mexico. He was a stud or a stallion and he was mean. When I fed him he would bite me. I got an old fashion hair pin, they are bigger. Next time he bit me , I stuck the hair pin, in his lips far!! He never bit me again after that. Then he started raring up, when i fed him. i had to get under him when he was up and feed him quick!! Never could stop him from doing that!!

first time majority vote is wrong

Destino Manifesto
Bbearmomma, and beautiful too! 😁