Which Oscar winning actress played the bartender Guinan on "Star Trek: The Next Generation"?
Correct answer: Whoopi Goldberg

Yes I'm a Trekkie, love Guinan. I'm sure I was born in the wrong century...

Player #2295121
Speedy, you are the racist..she is a well educated woman who speaks her mind and most of if not all time says what others are afraid to say.

Flower Lady
I've read that as a child, Whoopi was inspired by seeing a black woman,( Uhura, played by Nichelle Nichols,) on the bridge of a starship. Her eyes were opened to possibilities...

Bridget McClellan
I liked Whoopi in most all her movies. I don’t like Whoopi herself.

Player #8203820
named my cat Guinan.

Not a Trekkie. Never watched this. Got it right though.

Rolando Mota Sinsema
Wow. opinions like bombs going off. keep your heads down folks shrapnel is flying

nimblemoon, Guinan was 1 of my favorite characters on STNG.

Whoopi Goldberg was a great surprise and welcomed addition to TNG. Enjoyed watching her every weekend.

Whoopi was awesome in the movie Ghost also! I love her talent.

Lost all respect for Whoopi when she joined the propaganda spreading show "The View" !

Mars V
Flower Lady, MLK called it!! Yay, Star Trek!!

ViViy Vie Vie Vou
Flower Lady, Thanks for the info, how cool!

Almega Opha
Awesome character. i won't let 'The View" change my mind. Gotta separate fiction and non-fiction lol

She could serve me a cocktail anytime! 😘

Player #37384055
truer words were never spoken

Flower Lady
It was she who approached NG producers because she wanted to 'give back' to a show that had done so much to give her hope for the future.

too far left for me... don't care to watch her

How remarkable you all chose the same icon. Did any of you bother to learn anything about her or did you just judge her by your preconceptions of sterotypical physical beauty?