In what city did the Renaissance begin?
Correct answer: Florence, Italy

What I can't figure out is what happened? It really wasn't that long ago. Geniuses galore all over Italy and look at the country now. Hardly a force on the world stage and economic opportunities, political shenanigans, government red tape. Sad. Same for Greece. Geniuses galore 2400 years ago, what happened? Not even art.

Bad Nanny
WaldoLydeker, Italy was the centre of trade and commerce at this time and the wealthy acted as patrons for the gifted artists and thinkers. When the money centre of the world moved to London Italy’s clever people had no financial support so great ideas no longer had an outlet to the world. The ideas and exploration moved northward to England.

WaldoLydeker, I am going to hanker a guess and say for Italy that WWI & WWII happened and probably those people moved to the US, Britain or similar place. Still plenty of amazing minds there though. Just may need to turn over a few rocks but they are there

teenage mutant ninja turtles were named after these great figures

* Seshati *
WaldoLydeker, the whole global stage is loosing its flavour ... it’s just capitalism or fascism what are the odds any country can attain greatness through these means. I hope human kind can prevail & hold a candle to all the worlds of wonderment again, for the love of it & not money or power,

Player #24358685
LoopyLynda74, Well, since the war, for starters, the Italians have produced Lamborghinis and Ferraris, Gucci and Versace, Campognolos, and many other fine and beautiful products.
Just don't ask them to hold a ridge and all is well.

Maria Pia
What a time! For those asking what happened, Savonarola and religion happened! Anyway, if anyone wishes to learn more about the period, I recommend watching 'Medici', the series. It is not a documentary, but does portray the politics, influence and appreciation of arts and human advancement and wonder in the period.

Player #38618593
True. And where is the glory that was Egypt? Or Phoenicia? Or even the Han Dynasty? In the history of the world, giants come and go and they always collapse because corrupt behavior becomes the norm.
America, are you listening? Do we love you enough to keep this from happening?

mendel 234
Renaissance, also known as 'rebirth period' was between 1450-1600, was considered a period of dominant intellectual period - during which the Roman catholic Church became less powerful, and the aristocrats and other wealthy business people became more dominant in the society

WaldoLydeker, all the smart people emigrated to the USA

RK, And then it flip-flopped. The industrial revolution, beginning in England, changed the world. First Europe, then the U.S. Over time, sanitation improved, Medicine became a true healing science, and access to healthy food improved. People grew much more healthy, lifespans increased, and average IQs began to rise. Rising IQs fueled new innovation and invention. It continues today as Asia rises.

The photo is of Michelangelo's Pieta (Pity). It was carved from a solid block of Carrera marble when the artist was 23 years old. It is the only one of his works Michelangelo signed.

WaldoLydeker, art, history, mathematics, scuence all from India, China, Persia to Italy... these countries were way ahead when Europe was in the middle ages

Player #33497296
I think advances have continued, we fail to give them credit. Anatomy, physiology, medicines, air & space flight, astronomy, sub-atomic physics. Even music in the 60s & 70s produced amazing advances. As for politics, sadly, we have an ugly history since history began and we're still far from a peaceful species. And just wanting peace has little value in the face of the ugly brutality some of us still enjoy, employ & support.

The Chaser
Pretty neat that Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael were masters of the Renaissance. I think their recent decisions to become Ninja Turtles just shows how brilliant they are.

Vanessa, heroes in a half-shell... Turtle Power!

Dieu linh
I ala hai tam

WaldoLydeker, pent up demand for creativity and individual expression after the medieval Dark Ages of oppression and ignorance.

This is totally wrong, the first Renaissance in Europe is in Bulgaria during the 10th century.

Bad Nanny, true.. plus I have been to Florence and have seen how much time the Firenzians spend in cafes drinking coffee and wine.. but then again.. who can blame them?

Player #25874027
Since when does the quiz involve answering pictures

Tetka Biberce
According to Andrew Graham-Dixon, British art historian and writer, these frescoes with their "...physical, electric presence..."[2] are proof that there was more to Byzantine art than the formality and otherworldliness of its mosaic and icon tradition. In his book, Graham-Dixon questions 16th century Vasari's beliefs that Giotto di Bondone finally turned fresco painting away from the primitive influence of Byzantium. The frescoes contained within St. Panteleimon at Nerezi are not seen as static, they had the capacity to change into something more obviously human and realistic, anticipating the West's emphasis on depicting Christ as a man of flesh and blood by some 150 years. The lamentation of Christ fresco is described as being a fusion of life and death in a single image as Mary movingly mourns Jesus, cradling him between her legs. Graham-Dixon reminds that these frescoes from the 1160s precede Giotto's similar emotional frescoes from the Arena Chapel in Padua, circa 1305. He concludes "...the Byzantine east played a much more formative role in the development of renaissance art than Vasari was prepared to concede."[2]

Player #12069757
I e

WaldoLydeker, the Italians are still tops in auto design. Go see "Ford v Ferrari."

Thank you Assassin's Creed!

Go Italians!!

Tdog-2, I stopped looking at the pictures to persuade my answer a long time ago bc it’s often misleading.

Tdog-2, True, but he did most of his carvings in Florence. I got it wrong as well.

Player #2147286
Keltheone.x, ppk

The picture is of a statue in Rome. That’s not fair as it influenced my answer.

WaldoLydeker, 2 ( probably )Never been to either country,
you make some very crude remarks