What sports team did Donald Trump once own?
Correct answer: New Jersey Generals

loco, he claims, with zero evidence, the election was stolen

Rick-N-Bacher, History will reflect that the businessman that became President is totally CRAZY!

Donna, what went on in his white house is all coming out now. the testimony of his aides show how unhinged he is.

Rick-N-Bacher, too self centered to admit defeat.

Rick-N-Bacher, true! he fails at many things!

I had a college friend who played on the Generals. Made a quick little nest egg for his future.

I knew this answer because I’m a fan of the greatest sport in the world! The other three answers are hockey teams, and if you’ve never watched hockey you’re really missing out! Go Ducks!

Mars V
What percent of Heisman winners pan out as pros? 20-30% maybe?

Mars V
loco, It still could happen…God help us all!

Donna, and the one that was in senate for nearly 50 years is better?

Player #70614116
y'all enjoying your $6 a gallon gasoline? I enjoyed my $2.60 a gallon. you getting enough food at a reasonable price? I UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT ❗