Who promoted the theory that there is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism?
Correct answer: Andrew Wakefield

His claim has been scientifically debunked many times over. And yet there are still ignorant parents who are risking their own children's lives as well as others by continuing to believe this dangerous fallacy.

Wakefield was found to be charlatan and banned from practising medicine

Player #1617156
nimblemoon, So no one gets a vaccine and potentially thousands of children die each year. Or we vaccinate everyone and 0.001% may, might, possibly, due to an adverse reaction develop autism* or something else.
*btw I believe autism is a sensory overload leading to socio-interactive issues, and therefore has little to nothing to do with a vaccine.

Player #5853410 Alex
AwesomeImp90704, Not to mention a child exposed to Rubella who has a teacher, parent or neighbor who is pregnant runs a great risk of causing damage to the unborn child. My son was vaccinated with no ill effects whatsoever.

Player #575685, gee...it couldn't have anything to do w all the crap we use on our crops and animals !!😕😵

NobleYak13000, My heart to yours...My best friend also has an autistic son. I'm sure your's is a very special guy who will love you unconditionally forever.

Player #575685, that's a lie. provide evidence for that claim or shut up. by disseminating these lies you are also culpable for resulting deaths

it warms my heart to see so many people supporting the science and not the unsupported claims of the anti Vaxers.