Which battle of the Hundred Years' War took place on October 25, 1415?
Correct answer: Battle of Agincourt

Sheriffe, no it's the first 2 fingers used to draw, which were used as the up yours symbol.

Elf Counsel. Wrong battle by about 500 years later. You are quoting the Charge of the Light Brigade from the Crimean War. Incidentally Florence Nightingale took part in the conflict.

Player Elf Counsel, We few, we happy few, we band of brothers

The 'up yours' gesture of the raised pointer and middle finger in a reversed victory sign is believed to have originated there. It was the way the archers held their fingers to fire the arrows from the bow and was used to signify in further battles with English enemies 'we won ..up yours '

Player Elf Counsel
JezzerLX, Once more into the breach, dear friends. Once more.