What U.S. President was once rescued from a deserted island?
Correct answer: John F. Kennedy

Amazing...thats history our kids should be learning.

burger king
I am only 10 and I knew that!😊

I knew the answer from a WWII doc I watched. PBS and the History channel still air great documentaries.

Wow! Never knew that!

I believed they were, but sadly more and more of them are asking, "who's president Kennedy?". we are disconnecting from our past history. that is so sad.

Player #3381483
This act of heroism cost JFK the rest of his life with chronic back pain. He couldn't even pick up his children due to his injuries sustained rescuing his mates.

Vina Vandervierf, teachers are forced to "teach to the TEST" these days - if it's not on the standardized state test, it gets passed over.. Grrr...

Player #SassySLR
jestingbalmyhaystack, This is why the Head of Education should know & care about our History. I was never taught about this, therefore would not even know to suspect that it ever happened. How do you research the unknown or unimaginable?

Daddio, when I was in school, we were taught about things like that. But, now American History is taking a back seat to the histories and cultures of everywhere we came from instead of the country we're in.

We need a president who has served.

SpottedDoctor73827, I didn't know w

Amazing, the Kennedys are definitely survivors

marimargo, True . Can't cover all the knowledge out there . That's what Life can teach you and if you're interested enough to continue one's own personal educational desires and needs ! Learning, to me surely can be fun . Right ?

EricHahnNo1, Awesome!!! 😎

I either never learned about Kenedy and his rescue or forgot about it. I was in college when he was president. As an ex-teacher, and in defense of our horrid educational system, remember there is so much history to learn that teachers and school districts need to decide what is most important for students to learn. Kenedy being rescued is far less important than The Gettysburg Address or the Revolutionary War.

I read about him while he was president and then his book profiles in courage.

I’m 73 and I still remember how cool I thought the Kennedy family was when I was a “tween”. I was 11 years old when President Kennedy was assassinated. It was a very dark day. We were sent home. I was traumatized.😞

EricHahnNo1, that is wonderful to have something of JFK's!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
SpottedDoctor73827, Actually he was rescued at sea.

Player #120374466
Player #SassySLR, First, lookup all the names of the presidents and go from there.

Player #120374466
SneakyMole92698, Too much woke indoctrination.

Player #3381483, other sources report that he had spina bifada from childhood. And other heslth issues.

One of the only rich kids who's daddy didn't buy him out of his military duty

That’s my favorite movie PT109 is a movie I grew up with

Player #96264359
I m 65 and don’t remember ever hearing that story. Very interesting keep them coming!

Daddio, waaay back we did. Now there's too much history to teach it all. 😲

Mary Kowalski
after Kennedy died, I heard a song called P.
T.109 by Jimmy Dean - yes, the sausage guy/Big Bad John record etc.

Giggle pig
Player #3381483, but it didn’t, oh never mind.

Grumpy, "PT 109" by Jimmy Dean in 1962

Ray, "13 men and Kennedy". that's a line from the 1962 song by Jimmy Dean called "PT 109". it just popped into my head.

I wonder how many was on the ship to start with?

is somebody here in 2021- 😅

Terri Macy
I believe that this country would have been very different today if hadn’t been assassinated

George HW Bush was also rescued from a deserted island. He was the only survivor out of all pilots that were shot down during a mission. A little sneaky putting H in there as an answer.

I'm still wondering what song or songs were written about it. still my favorite pres.

Player #12690589
jnative, the last one of those was George H W Bush

HIPPIE CHICKEN, I'm 56 and went to a private school -- and never knew this either!!!

Player #26925092
Can you imagine Trump being a real and honest military here’s. Don’t forget daddy paying a dr. To diagnose bone spurs. Throughout history bone spurs did not prevent brave soldiers signing up and going.

wish I was taught that when learning that part of hx.
Guess it wasnt important enough.

Player #18996322
Player #3381483, to pick up his children :(