'Nadolig Llawen' means Merry Christmas in which western European language?
Correct answer: Welsh

Tom Jones is also Welsh

Player KernowChris
Of course that's similar to fellow Celtic nation of Cornwall (Kernow), in Cornish "Nadelik Lowen", I'm a proud Cornishman 🤗

The double "l" gave it to me.

Player #8258475
Player Freewoman, Well, only 19% of people in Wales speak Welsh, I doubt very much that the other 81% who live there are all 'foreigners'.

Sat next to a group of Welshmen on the ferry to Dublin. Such a beautiful language!

I don't speak Welsh but it's such a lovely language to listen to

Player KernowChris, Yes, because Cornish, Welsh and Breton are 'siblings' as they descend from Brittonic., which is a 'sibling' to Goiidelic. That, In turn, is the parent of 3 forms of Gaelic - Irish, Scottish and Manx, which makes them 'cousins' to Welsh,, etc.

Centenarian, I don't think he speaks the language, though.

Player #93460997
My mother had the hots for Tom Jones. I have the hots for Ken Follett. Brilliant writer

Catherine Zeta-Jones is Welsh