What is the capital of Cambodia?
Correct answer: Phnom Penh

is there anyone who skips a question....i prefer to guess it and get it wrong so the answer can be revealed and learn more

sounds awesome, what I need is a holiday in Cambodia!🤔😉😂

Sbuda, I will skip occasionally if I have no clue and no interest in the subject... usually politicians

Wasnt Pol Pot from Cambodia.

* Seshati *
( Snail Darter), so sad why oh why do we humans do this

( Snail Darter)
jerryp80, The most mined city in the world.....To this day, people are still dying or losing limbs from the land mines planted in the 60’s and 70’s.

Sbuda, Same here, I am yet to skip a question. I would rather guess and fail, or use one of my helplines to know more about the answer.

Sbuda, I feel the same way. But, I do skip some of the sport questions every once in awhile.

In 1994 I attended a meeting participated by people represented of many countries in Asia. There 3 people represented Cambodia and all of them were victim of Pol Pot. A man who could not walk normally, his legs

Player #13023389
I know nothing about N. Korea but did know the capital. Debby

Player #31234331
Amazing! But still my beloved country 🇵🇭 is unbeatable the " Pearl of the Orient Seas" & the only Christian nation in Asia.

Sbuda, you can also gain game related information for future answers, coolest game/education ever!

Cheri #27225877
Sbuda, info can still be revealed by getting it right tho?

* Seshati *, wrong city

* Seshati *
1shadwark, I agree it really was a poor description of a very old country.

* Seshati *
What no mention of the stunning & amazing Angkor Wat?

turk 182
how is pol pot?

you mean North Korea

The happiest people on earth

strangiato65, I got the reference

( Snail Darter)
FreezingAcolyte89399, His dream was to create a completely agrarian society, sans teachers, intellectuals, property owners....and anyone else that he thought would threaten the collective. His brutality ended and earned himself a free ride to Europe, after he was toppled by the Vietnamese.

( Snail Darter)
Sonicgirl, Huh??

Apparently in the 1960's the US Army used to let their Soldiers and Marines have R and R in Phnom Pehn and other parts of Cambodia, in order for them to drop Acid, listen to Doors records and spend their Money on young Ladies.

many years ago a friend of mine moved there. He loves the city.

Player #2386701
Player Elf Counsel, you are totally wrong. Pol pot was supported originally by the communist.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #1048601, And a mass murderer who was supported by the Americans.

Player #1048601
FreezingAcolyte89399, pol pot is Cambodian

tough question

Montana Lady
I'd really like to visit Phnom Penh one day, it's a very beautiful city.

FreezingAcolyte89399, He was the leader (tyrant) of Cambodia at one time.

FreezingAcolyte89399, yes