What was the name of the captain of the Mary Celeste when she embarked on her ill-fated last voyage in 1872?
Correct answer: Benjamin Briggs

Player #K
Fascinating & sad story

Laudy Miss Claudy, that has long been a theory, but if I remember correctly, the ships goods and riches remained aboard, just the people were not.

Player #3113010 Alex
Player #3366575, I read that it may have been three members of the ship who found the Mary Celeste (the two captains were friends) and an Irishman who needed to escape murder charges in NY. It sounded credible to me.

that is so tragic! How must their little boy feel, staying in the States?? Never going them!! That is so sad!!!

Iron 55 12
Laudy Miss Claudy, but everything on board the ship was untouched 🥺

Tiggsmeister 43
One belief is that the cargo was alcohol and blew the hatches off their moorings, the crew believing the ship was about to blow got into the life boat but didn't secure it to the ship. By the time they realized the ship was going to blow they had drifted too far to get back...

Tiggsmeister 43, yes as a long time mariner this story fascinated me. the cargo was barrels of high proof alcohol. It is widely accepted that the fumes were seeping from the barrels which could explode. They got into the dingy and secured it with a rope from the bow. The rope broke and the ship floated off. The frayed rope was in the water when found

it was called Marie Celeste.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Pirates perhaps?

Player #3366575
ChewyGazelle68623, pirates