Who was the Nazi war criminal executed in Israel in 1962?

Correct answer: Adolf Eichmann

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
I'm not going to go into a rant on my views on organized religion, but I must point out my disgust that officials of any church would help this piece of c**p!
MagicTwanger, the man was a monster but there are monsters in every race so this pc s$#t of somone being guilty of being white is no diffrent than people "WRONGFULLY" Saying that black people are not as smart or all muslims are terrorists in other words being guilty of a crime makes you a criminal not your race WAKE UP SNOW FLAKES no one should be this damn ignorant
the holocaust was a tragedy and a shame on us as humans
The problem is the Holocaust is not the only genocide just the most famous. Stalin and his atrocities are rarely mentioned. Dictators are coming back and as we speak China right now has imprisoned 1 million Muslims in "rehabilitation centers". They have implemented a new social credit system based on if you buy too many video games, jaywalk, smoke in non-smoking areas, default on a loan, or commit any crime. Even journalists have found themselves on this list. If put on it & deemed untrustworthy your picture is on billboards with your name, you can't buy plane or train tickets, can't buy a house or car, kids can't go to a private school, and many even end up in jail. He just abolished term limits. Does any of this sound eerily familiar. History is repeating itself. Please google it. The US has started talking sanctions against China and this will either result in serious changes or bc they make so much & we owe them they may continue until we have a major conflict on our hands! Which goes to prove it is any race or religion that can become a mass murderer if they have that much power...
Player #402101
Player #402101
humans have been killing each other since the beginning of time there are many other genocides out there this is just one of the most recent, there are just evil human beings in every race.
Player #2848906
Player #2848906
HaugWilde, Why self identify by race? I'm human, just like you are, that's all that matters. To believe that race matters is everyone's problem. We humans are nothing in comparison to the rest or the universe, we must stick together.
Player #3522836
Player #3522836
Player #4040911, how can people who say it never happened be so evil. My father's family suddenly were no more. Poland, and all disappeared. yes they were Jewish.
Player #845030
Player #845030
when we as a people look at each other all we can see is the color of their skin then we do a disservice to humanity and the world we all need to wake up
Pope Pius XII turned a blind eye to Nazi atrocities and Rome has canonized him!
I look along all these comments and all I see is arguing and division, it's because of all the arguing and division that this world has so many problems, different sects, laws, cultures, religions, governments, skin colours... at the end of it all we are as one... humans... made of the exact same materials as our fellow humans, it's just a shame you all have to allow systems to brainwash and control you into thinking only your way is right, too many talkers and not enough listeners, that's what's wrong in this world
The irony is that most European countries persecuted Jews in every way possible and that was long ago before the rise of the Nazis, and yet only the latter are the ones to be considered as the most evil creatures since the dawn of history. Italy and Spain were among the ones we who spared no effort nor expense to persecute the jews as and force them to either convert to Christianity or get tortured, exiled,or killed
Pius XII has NOT been canonized, beatified, or sanctified. He is NOT a candidate for Saint.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
IllustratedGrrl, Most of the main stream religions of that time in Europe stood by quietly without a protest.
micky, you got your comment in before me. Was looking for one about what England done to Ireland. I will leave out Scotland and Wales.
man's inhumanity against man.
Saitama, , I love America. I’m American.but all countries have did some very wrong things, just in the name of the scientific studies etc, I’m a twin, if you remember American doctors and scientists separated twins and documented their lifestyle for a lifetime study,many of the twins never got to meet their real families, so sad
Mr snazzy, not all Catholics, duh.
Player #33444255, we must learn from the past or we are doomed to repeat it and unfortunately the only thing man has learned from history is that man doesn’t learn from history!
Zavi, shame on him and all those who deny it! It wasn’t the first holocaust nor will it be the last unfortunately. Human nature.
LoopyLynda74, Ireland had genocide forced on us by the British in 1847 but they called it a famine it was not it was genocide
IllustratedGrrl, I agree with you why would a church help him he doesn't deserve help and mercy
Player #68594183
Player #68594183
Missy K, There we’re estimated 5 million actually, including the British, French, Russians, Polish other nationals, gypsies, disabled people, roughly 60,000 gays etc etc. It was all horrible. I guess why the Jewish numbers get focused on more is because it was 6 million Jews alone and an attempt by the nazis to exterminate their race.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
NimbleCavalier81232, He got his ideals from the whole of history. Not a single piece.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Maria ♡, When we wise up, or take a personal step back & analyze what is going on. Don't forget, Hitler's military used Methamphetamines, as did Adolf himself.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Ali, You may want to research a Nazi by the name of Otto Skorzeny, he has a direct line from World War II to the Arab world & links to modern day terrorists. Many countries have worked off of his blueprint for the rogue special forces groups, AKA Werewolves. Check it out
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
wiglafrocker77, Exactly! Thank you for those real & honest words.
I remember the trials. My parents watched it on TV.
They made a movie about this in Netflix, its called Operation Finale.
Phoenix 1000
Phoenix 1000
wiglafrocker77, I 👍 good call
IllustratedGrrl, I agree with you, I can not comprehend any one helping that monster .
Player #47520708
Player #47520708
Missy K, Indeed they do! Don't forget the gypsies and the mentally and physically handicapped.
WaldoLydeker, Thank you for sharing this information.
wiglafrocker77, he wasn't prosecuted for his skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, or race, but for his character, having committed atrocities against oder human beings
Player #42284562
Player #42284562
IllustratedGrrl, I agree,that's the first thing that popped out,how could the Catholic church do that????
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
Maria ♡, In the U.S. Military we were/are trained to obey LAWFUL orders so while there are and have been instances of personnel deviating from that training "no questions asked" simply isn't correct.
This era was a bister on humanity. it is not impossible to happen again. We must be vigilant and never elect or support anyone with these tendancies
LoopyLynda74, WOW. All of it. Thanks for summarizing my thoughts.
Missy K, also people who just happened to be in the wrong place past curfew, regardless of affiliation. And of course lots of freedom fighters & all types of military personnel. Etc...
Mr snazzy
Mr snazzy
Catholics helped him ? I didnt know that
wiglafrocker77, absolutely stalin , pol pot , idi amin , mao , and many others are just criminals who do very horrible things much like a serial killer but on a much much larger scale race has nothing to do with it a sick mind is a sick mind no matter the color or race of the vessel carrying it