What animal fur was Davy Crockett's hat made of?
Correct answer: Raccoon

Zell. I am a female
I used to watch this show with my dad all the time. Wish it still came on and my dad was still here

I wore my coonskin hat (rabbit fur actually) during the height of the Davy Crockett fad in the 50's. Wonder what happened to it.

"...King of the wild frontier."

the kids of 2020 would just laugh at what we watched Late 50's early 60's that's for sure

WaldoLydeker, so did my brothers and one time they fought because one cut up a black raincoat that belonged to the other to make a zorro Cape

Zell. I am a female, My mom and my aunt used to watch that show together. They liked the show soo much, my mom bought my aunt a coonskin cap and took her picture wearing it!! My aunt was cute as a button wearing it!! I ran across that pic and sent it back to my aunt for her to enjoy. See, my mother passed away.

Mars V
Slipkid, Leave it to Beaver is still laugh out loud funny.🤣

Bill, yeah you don’t see that today

Bill, Fess Parker was Daniel Boone.

Manel, you must not know how much trapping is happening, and the US and Canada and today’s time I trapped for a few years, but I’m disabled and had to stop there and steal big money to be made trapping people wear clothing with animal fur and all the time

JimmyLovesQL, no that was Davey Crockett

Manel, so we will just eat the innocent animals and not keep their skins.

I hit beaver like dummy but knew it was raccoon. My dad used to listen to the ballad of DC and I also remember watching the show when I was younger.

songbird, Me too! It’s so frustrating. I understand getting ads, because I’m paying for free, but not being able to close an ad was finished it’s so annoying. I have to completely exit the game and close down my phone to be able to get back into the game. They need to fix that!

In this modern era no one should wear clothing made out of innocent animals body parts. Those olden day fashions does not apply now

Player #45505475
WaldoLydeker, I think I bought it last week at a garage sale. Lol

Zell. I am a male , Interesting

Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

as a young child a wore my Davy Crockett hat everywhere. even into public places like restaurants and schools

Player #8230057, I don't think that Jerry Mathers would approve! ;)

Player #6723658
Brocker1734, Maybe you're just too smart.

my hubby helped me with this one . Tx

Brocker1734, you can change the settings to harder.

is it me? or are the questions easier at the higher levels? they should be harder! 😊

pressed the wrong one again, dopey me,

DippedNxtc, I am getting ads that I can't close, but not political ads.

WaldoLydeker, was it a real taxidermied varmit lol....my GranPa was a fur trapper fisherman in Wisconsin in the 1940s

This is a myth. He actually wore a hat made of beaver.

the correct answer is beaver, the coonskin cap came from the tv show and subsequent song

I'm not getting any "In APP Advertising" on my phone at all with this game. Perhaps you have another app that is that is bull dozing in such as a cleaner/sweeper app