What was the first American film to be screened inside the White House?

Correct answer: "The Birth of a Nation"

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
no place in America for kkk
This is, in my opinion, a disgusting, vulgar statement of hate by ignorant, mindless jackasses. But, that is MY opinion. Everyone has one and in America we are allowed to express ourselves. I just wish this kind of pure stupidity did not exist. What does the shade of ones skin have to do with ANYTHING? 😶
Genius, you know your opinions might be considered if you wouldn't use ad hominem terms. I am a member of the Democratic Party and I do not use ugly nicknames for the Republicans. It's the mark of a disingenuous "argument." Can't you be an adult?
And this a movie that the President entertained
dollis1963, True that it is a horrible film. However, check the nations prisons and compare the number of African Americans compared to other races. They are not the cause, but the US history of bad and oppressive treatment has socially engineered this situation. Equality and education is the solution this most unfortunate unresolved situation.
Wendell Thomas, those countries are all socialist regime. no thanks, I want to live in a free America. where I have the privilege to write what I want in a social media trivia platform and not be arrested for it. or read my bible in public, or teach my kids at home. yeah, I gotta say we are more free in this country than anywhere else in the world. is it perfect? nope, but its home and I'm proud to be an American.
Ziela1313, While people of color have made great strides and received success, isn’t sad that our country continues to struggle with race, diversity, and inclusion. It doesn’t speak to who we say we are in our Constitution. So disheartening!
Makes me sad.
AmazingCop2962, you have to consider the times. you can't put 2019 sensibilities into 1915 history. No matter how racist it was, unfortunately that's the attitude of the times. YOU CAN'T CHANGE HISTORY!!! what's done is done. you can't go back and change it.
Player #2228437, you are correct Republicans wanted to end slavery and Democrats wanted to keep it.
Puma Girl
Puma Girl
I'm still clutching my pearls.
Puma Girl
Puma Girl
Ziela1313, My thoughts exactly.
Puma Girl
Puma Girl
AttackingCobra3250, I totally agree.
Creole Coffee
Creole Coffee
Player #39963081, 💯
KMS MASTER, No tell me
Nee Nee
Nee Nee
AttackingCobra3250, I just want people to know there was another Birth of a Nation made years later depicting a black minister Nat Turner who followed Gods orders to revolt against slavery. Know the Truth.
Player #49853411
Player #49853411
Ziela1313, Amen!!
jsk1776, But It must be recognized for the truth that it is, Racist Resurgence is extremely prevalent in America in 2023 and many of us know why.
ChampyShaman58890, YEPPP!!!
How are we to know this? It was screened in the White House sheesh
Monette, no it doesn't.
I just knew there was going to be a debate in the comment section of a QUIZ game. The US still has a long way to go...NEXT QUESTION!
mr g
mr g
washerman05, that was way back then obviously there has been a change
mr g
mr g
Ziela1313, it seems everything if you are white or black
Big Jim
Big Jim
Wendell Thomas, its true we imprison BUT we dont gun down protestors either, look up tianamen sqare massacre. in many countries people just disapear rather than imprison them.
this movie was completely a gross understanding & mistreatment of the people who were never meant to be equal or have justice or liberty.
Player #62752956
Player #62752956
It’s good to learn that there was protests against this even in 1915...
AmazingCop2962, very different culture at that point
Player #39963081
Player #39963081
CombativeChef56550, that's only what they want you to think. Truth is, neither party is really concerned for the true happiness of its citizens. It's all a game to them and we are the game pieces. Divide and conquer. We should all be on the same side. Equity, respect, fairness, freedom.
Player #34983928
Player #34983928
I know it's history but this is an odd reminder
Player #34569112
Player #34569112
ChampyShaman58890, YES!!!!!
the superior race doesn't get sick, doesn't die, doesn't age, and has excellent behavior
Robin H
Robin H
CombativeChef56550, more like socialist
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
see below: virtue signaling on parade
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
washerman05, Until the Civil Rights era and the Republican 'Southern Strategy' (look it up and learn something). My, how times and the two major political parties have changed.....
Player #28310896
Player #28310896
ChampyShaman58890, Excuses. it is a choice to obey the law or not.
CombativeGoose63957, everyone I don't like is a bot. 🙄
AmazingCop2962, A president from the 1920s
Player #24905305
Player #24905305
RushMama2112, I am a member of the Republican party and I COMPLETELY AGREE with you..let's be adults. why do people have to make things ugly?
Player #24786540
Player #24786540
ChampyShaman58890, This wasn't the case for a long time, despite the fact the Black men were truly oppressed in the 60's, they stayed with their families and worked hard....Today NYC spends $24,000 per student for public education, apparently more education is NOT working...Throwing good money after bad is NOT the solution...What is the answer? How about promoting success, and a strong family unit, that includes a father in the home, but hey let's keep demonizing those idea...