What is the more common name for the medical condition diplopia?
Correct answer: Double vision

i love medical questions!

I see double vertically, discovered it at the age of 26, before that I unconsciously closed one eye to be able to read, though it didn't stop me from reading and other tasks. I'm proficient in 4 languages, some of my friends call me nerd.

Diplo is double in Greek

Dianna Bella74
my brother got this if he drank alcohol. Crazy thing is he only needed to drink on or two for this to happen. So it's not like he was drunk. He had brain damage so this was the contributing factor by the looks of this. It doesn't happen to him anymore though. This occured only a few years after the incident occurred.

Player #21374632
Schnuckel09, Nothing wrong with being a nerd,,most are smart and envied by non nerds,,haha. True

Nice eyes. 👀

This can be remedied with prism lenses.

vishal rocks
I got it correct as
"opia" usually represents a disease related to eye
"di" usually means 2(double

I suffer from this as a result of MS, but prisms in specs sort it out.

I have this plus 😂 I also have one prism higher than the other, so 3-D movies are a waste of money (I see headache-inducing both images) and my depth perception is zero, so any object in the rear-view mirror... yeah!!! So I don't drive either! 😂

Byrde Alpha Bitch
SFLTrivia46, Great band, fantastic song.

I've diplopia due to a bike accident. One mistake of not wearing a helmet gave me this for life. I can't concentrate properly due to it.

Had it myself when I got myasthenia. Don’t wish it to my worst enemy…

Special Patrol Group or SPG, is that referring to the Hamster on The Young Ones? Fantastic early 80s British comedy

Love the song, Double Vision, by Foreigner 😄👍

One of the questions that is easy to answer if you speak Greek

Check this out. If you google eye problems/diseases you get squat I mean nothing shows 👆.

Martin O'Boye
I have vertical double vision but only affects me when I'm tired and the muscles that control my eyes get lazy

I knew about myopia and hypermetropia.. And I guessed it correct.. Diplopia.. Double vision

I've only had it after I've drunk too much alcohol

Player #26136962
close one eye all perfect 😁😁

Player #18547369
I have Trigeminal Neuralgia which causes double vision as well.. It was terrible in the beginning however it’s gone now after my radiation therapy ..

Player #18547369
I have Trigeminal Ne

Thyroid problems can cause this also

vishal rocks, me too😮!!!! I'm shocked

Player #9914179
Ever hear the song double vision by Foreigner? good song.

Apart from having double vision, i wish my wages were double when i look at them .

I agree - lovely eyes!!😍

good to know

Heartland Old Guy
TeflonMouse52, and also make someone really sick, dizzy, and nauseated. I know how it feels to have it. Do not wish it on anyone.