Beluga and Sevruga are varieties of which foodstuff?
Correct answer: Caviar

MoodyChef92025, the beluga caviar doesn't come from the whale, whales don't lay little tiny eggs as they are mammals

Player #3235803
MoodyChef92025, yes there is a beluga whale but you don't get caviar from it.caviar is fish eggs,a whale ain't a fish it's a mammal.caviar also comes from the sturgeon.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Personally, I don’t like the taste of caviar. Yuk!! 😎

Taranchalanche, they are referring to the beluga sturgeon I believe

when i think about a beluga i think of a whale

really there is a beluga whale

nature questions are my favorite!

we have both types of the mentioned fishes in the Caspian sea in Kazakhstan. however was not trying their caviar for ages since Soviet times. I think all is exported to the West.

I enjoyed the little joke with the photo.

Neo, exactly, I was lucky to eat quite a bit of black caviar in Soviet times but then it seemed that enormous consumption of this product affected the number of belugas, so I haven't tried it since. You can still get sturgeon caviar for around $100 for a couple of teaspoons but there are lots of products that in reality are not a real caviar. I guess I was lucky I've eaten quite a bit of it but I wouldn't buy it again knowing where it comes from and what price animals 'pay' for it. I love animals.

Truly good caviar is delicious.

Only know caviar from 007 movies. Way beyond my wallet.

food for the rich

I didn’t know that, being a plebeian 😂

then y all the Indian brands and products in the image..... confused

Taranchalanche, no one mentioned whales