Which U.S. TV icon played the murderer in the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Rear Window"?
Correct answer: Raymond Burr

Love this movie

Hard to believe Perry Mason, a murderer. Burger would have loved this movie. Maybe I watch to much old TV...

One of my most favorite Hitchcock movies!

Such an awesomely made movie set in one location...

A creepy performance by a legendary actor.

Destino Manifesto
All Hitchcock films were great and original --- in a class all to themselves! 😬

Player JZ-3
WaldoLydeker, Hitch made a quick cameo as a piano tuner in The neighbor's apartment.

Bjach, No such thing as too much old tv. There is definitely such a thing as too.much reality tv.

A favorite movie, where Hitchcock, as usual dares to try a unique technique. Here the entire movie takes place inside of 1 small room and outside a large window, where Jimmy Stewart 's character believes Burr's character is a murderer. Throughout the movie Burr has no lines until the end where he has 2 or 3 lines. A difficult movie to successfully pull off, but Hitchcock and his highly skilled cast do so beautifully.

A great example of a thriller with no murder scenes, no blood or gore, not even a body!! The tension builds and builds ending in a heart beating and thrilling ending. Perfect example of what a genius Hitchcock was as a director!

Player JZ-3, Thanks 4 mentioning that! I didn't know it! Did he do that in All his movies, or just this one?

Bjach, Is there such a crime as to watch too much TV?? Hmmm...

Hunger Knowledge
A wheelchair inbound character turned Raymond's career towards playing another wheelchair inbound character who was about JUSTICE

WaldoLydeker, where was he in Phyco, not trying to be smart, I just want to know

SparkyChaz2018, Amen to both comments

I will watch about anything with Jimmy Stewart in it

One of my favorite movies. Raymond Burr was quite young, but they colored his hair white. Or gave him a white wig. It looks ridiculous.

Player #29967364, He was David Seville! Good recall.

Player JZ-3, in his movie life boat which took place entirely on a life boat (obviously) his picture appeared on a newspaper one of the people had

Player #83925953
Great movie and the other one by the same name was great too. Hard to believe Burr as a villain. Although, on one episode of Perry Mason, he played 2 roles; one as a villain & the other as Mason.

one of my all time favorite movies! so much suspense viewed from a window!

spoiler alert!

Jason Platt
Raymond Burr played an antagonist in most of his films; it wasn't really until he played Perry Mason that he portrayed a protagonist. He was a fine actor in both types of roles.

Raymond Burr was believed by J. Edgar Hoover to be some kind of spy because he (Burr) was Canadian and gay!

Player #29967364
gamehappy0728, the piano player was played by Ross bagdasarian who later created the chipmunks

Player #19472386
A good thriller for it's time-both the Hitchcock film & the movie itself.

Roadside attraction
Raymond Burr was Sooo scary in this movie. I still scream at Grace Kelly to get out !!!

Player #16772228
just think... if he had window shades,he would've gotten away with murder.

Player #14816407
Bjach, You are not alone, lol!

Player #1952
I knew he was the wheel chair bound lawyer, but it was a complete guess about the answer to the question.

Player #9495659
One of Hitchcock's best movies. The entire movie takes place in 1 room, except for occasional.glances inside the murderers apt. I love Hitchcock for the risks he was willing to take, in most of his movies and with the sponsors on his t.v. show.

Player #2824638
l wish it let vote answer

The true definition of a thriller, Hitchcock's specialty.

Great Hitchcock movie with lots of tension and mystery!

Becca Sue
edlemasm, Did it ever occur to you that Hamilton Burger could be called Hamburger? When my sister told me, I had a good laugh. ha, ha....I wonder if the writer intended that joke! Poor guy...always losing to Perry.