In which modern country is Mount Ararat, where Noah's Ark came to rest?
Correct answer: Turkey

Player #4003880
Why must ignorant people use the comment section of this game as a personal forum to bash others and their beliefs? Lighten up people and just be entertained while exercising your mind.

This is a game. Why is anyone commenting with negativity and/or religious beliefs/non beliefs

VanquishedRocket666, Christians believe God is a devine being, therefor the laws of the universe don't apply to Him, nor does scientific fact. We believe God's power transcends logic and reason, and that is our right. Don't criticize people's faith as if all Christians are just idiots. Maybe I think choosing to live bereft of hope is ignorant, but you didn't see me pointing that out until you started running your mouth. I hope you will open your heart to God someday and find the hope He wants to give you in your life. Bless you brother.

According to encyclopedia britainnica Mt Ararat is on the border between Turkey and Armenia. I dislike the use of Wikipedia for information. There are more reliable resources available.

What a coincidence !! This question appeared yesterday about 10 hours after I started wearing my Noah’s Ark bracelet !! It is the first time I have worn the bracelet for over fourteen years !!

Player #2500068, I agree. I dislike all the personal attacks. Respect for others and their beliefs please.

So all the marsupials then walked to Australia ?? LOL

Player #1853334
I believe that creation & science go hand in hand .

Mount Ararat is also in Armenia. Please check the
validity of the question

Player Peña Power
So many parts of the world have a story of a great deluge. Different regions, different cultures, all have a similiar story. Yes it did happen, for God cannot lie.

whenever and wherever armenian "patriots" appear there's a hatred and biased statements.. Accordingly to those "patriots" Noah himself was armenian.. This game moderators shall check questions more accurately

Player #134726817
where it supposedly came to rest. It's a myth.

Player #130998363
"With man this is impossible, but with God,all things are possible".

Uninitialized, actually,, last year I watched a documentary on the scientist who had found the soil layer of the great flood,, its in southeastern new Mexico.. below that line.. 12,800 yrs ago.. above.. post flood with modern vegetation and animal evidence.. do your research b4 mouthing off..

Not a shred of evidence for this. One more thing for Christians to take on faith.

this is supposed to be a quiz about facts.
questions about myths should be in the correct category

It’s in Armenia not Turkey

Pope John Paul II was a brilliant man who accepted evolution as fact. Modern Catholics don't live in a self-imposed world of darkness.

Player #78842702
Ararat has another name as well Sis and Masis.. Sis is small one and Masis is big one...Ararat is in Western Armenia that's why it has Armenian names...

Uninitialized, Sea shells are being found for years in deserts etc, was an ocean there at some point of time,

beautiful mountains evolved even slower than humanity.

No boat ever carried 2 of every animal because that is impossible. This question is based on a fable. There is a reason why kangaroos only exist in Australia. Biogeography provides the answer, not a book of fiction.

Uninitialized, yeah where did all 5000m of extra water go?

Ararat falls within western Armenia ( which today wrongly comes under Eastern Turkey ) ….read about the Armenian Genocide, you will then understand the truth !

Player #24622884
very informative I might go there some time love you quizland

NaiveContact1, 🤣

Player #12106230, False information. Even the court did not accept this lie. If so, why Armenians even now live in Turkey?

Player #39984513
It is located in Armenia

Are there any kind of official ARK of this on that location??🤔

I’m originally from Iran and as far as I know mountain Ararat is located in Armenia not Turkey!
This is basic information in our history books!

It wa never proven that the ark is on Mt Ararat.

Player #22062317
God gives sight to those with Faith.Blind eyes (hearts of stine) cannot see.hear or feel .

Player #42965136
Flood perhaps, an Ark maybe after that not likely

Player #32452536
mount Ararat is in Armenia

tanker2933, hey, I know you're just making a joke but accd'g to scientific evidence the world was once one great land mass. Wales & Nfld. Canada only 2 places where a certain trilobyte fossil found, showing they were once joined. Further, lizards washed over to some forbidding rock islands near Galapagos have had to adapt. They dive down abt 30' in the ocean to get only vegetation. Almost kills them every time, but they do it. So did the kangaroos hop to Australia? Probably. They don't drive.

there is not flood formations all over the earth. only in places that flood
there is no sedimentary flood layer all over the earth
there are no kangaroo fossils in the middle east
there are civilisations older than the flood myth
where did the floodwater go?
how did specialist species survive?
how did freshwater fish survive in a salt water?
inbreeding would have killed all species after flood
how did 20 million+ species fit in a boat in the middle east?
why did god regret what he did if he is all knowing? was he surprised?
Didnt happen people

Mount Ararat was always Armenian. After 1915 Armenian Genocide implemented by Ottoman Empire, organized by Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha, etc. Armenians were massacred and some who survived escaped different parts of the world.
Hope one day justice will be on Armenians side.

Player #29918340
OMG!!! Just play THIS game!! We’re not playing Jeopardy. Move on...nobody’s winning any money!

Player Seizetheday
Is it just me or has this educational game turned into battle of words? While the validity of so called 'facts' sourced from wiki and Google are questionable this is or at least was just a game. Surely none of us are expecting to get a masters degree doing this game 🙂

Player #24358685
Player #1853334, Fides et Ratio, or "On Faith and Reason," is an encyclical written by Pope John Paul II some twenty years ago. It explains the position of the Church being that all Truth, whether we receive it through inspiration or through our own faculties and efforts, is from God, being the source of all Truth, and therefore cannot contradict each other. if we are unable to reconcile two truths, but we know both are truths, the problem is with our comprehension or perspective. It's hard to encapsulate fifty-plus pages into a sentence or two! I highly recommend anyone who wants to read a comprehensive argument on the topic to look up Fides et Ratio.