What geometric shape is a stop sign used in English-speaking and most European countries?
Correct answer: Octagon

They are Octagonal so that even if obscured by snow, sun or badly worn they are still identifiable

RogueWaffle615, They are all over the place! I hope I never cross your path. If you cannot recognise a STOP sign, you should not be on the road or even have a driving licence

and in Russia, they say "stop" in Cyrillic letters. the Russian word for stop is too long to put on a sign

Player #2302074
rapido9999, STOP signs (stop and continue when safe) are red octagons. the red circle with white band means Do Not Enter ( do NOT drive this way, safe or not)
In the UK too

the Octagon shape is an identifier for snow or anything that may obscure the command written. so you cannot in an accident say i didn't know it was a stop sign.

Learned with Jack Black on sesame street

Player #6852065
No room for u, My friend never stopped either. Now he is 35 years old and paralyzed for life. Please think about that.

Cat Mom
Ok, so maybe I need to go back to school, but what does "upper case letters in small caps" mean?

I need to go back to primary school and relearn my shapes

In Canada you will frequently see bilingual stop signs with both STOP and ARRET.

Guillermo Jr.
Lizzi, too many got this wrong.. worrisome

Player #25874027, please don't drive. Roads will be more safe without you.

Player #25874027, last I heard they it was a stop triangle

last time I checked, only two countries had non-octagonal stop signs: Japan and Zimbabwe.

Player #25874027
I have never seen this in the UK , only drive 50000 miles a year.

Morning Star
In the UK we have a red circle with a red triangle inside and the word stop. Octagonal signs are usually used on factory sites and places like that.

Player #5100533
biff, That's what I said: Jeeesh !!

Player #5100533
Lizzi, You GO Girl !! Errr,..... STOP I mean... HA!

In a few relative dangerous intersections in the United States stop signs are much larger, and may be installed on both sides of the travel lane.

Raptors Champion
Player #4685238, stop it

gaaar I counted 10 sides in my head!

QuarrelsomeGoal408, a No Entry sign is a red circle with a white horizontal band across the centre. Should you have a licence?

RogueWaffle615, lots of these signs all over the UK, bonehead!

I don't drive but hey should of realised

whoever guessed triangles...

Mardell Riley
learned at DMV.