What group landed in America in 1620?

Correct answer: Pilgrims

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player #2578275
Player #2578275
Please rearrange your statement concerning the founding of North America. It was already founded. However, taken over would be the more appropriate words.
Credo ergo sum., it's time we follow suit. Abe Lincoln said a time would come when the citizens of this misguided endeavor, called These United States, would find it necessary to take control from our own elected representatives. power corrupts. absolute power corrupts absolutely. many law makers today believe they're above those laws. I'm not saying there are no good men in all Soddom and Gomorrah, but...
You failed to mention that these people who are immigrants came to a country that was already occupied by Native Americans and stole their land. It also said they left their countries because they were worried about losing their English culture and you failed to mention how they forced/killed Native Americans to change their culture!
Player #3883125
Player #3883125
some Americans think Thanksgiving is something other than the factual truth that Native Americans saved the lives of remaining passengers of the Mayflower by providing much needed supplies of food and other essentials.
ranadi63, the time of conquest had not yet ended... this was just another small chapter in the history of the human race conquering one another. The natives were in constant war with each other and then the white people came, so then they were all at constant war with each other. history is full of examples of how the human race, while achieving great things, leaves a trail of victims behind on the way to greatness.
Shelby Carpenter
Shelby Carpenter
And they were intolerant of any other religion but their own. The real hero of that era was Roger Williams whom the Pilgrims kicked out of Massachusetts because he respected other religions. He moved to present-day Rhode Island where he welcomed all beliefs. The oldest synagogue in America is in Newport.
Player #4645883
Player #4645883
how could they founded something that was already inhabited by Indian peoples
People shouldn't rely on government provided history books for factual history.
Player #2386701, same thing happened in Europe since time began. those who doesn't fight were taken over by those who did. remember Rome? it doesn't mean the natives deserved to be slaughtered the way they were but that's how humans are
Player #22677568
Player #22677568
ranadi63, i find this kind of commentary hilarious. You DO realize that ALL land "belonged to someone else 1st", right?? I mean, you DO realize that every country has invaded other countries for land/resources, etc? It is just what human beings did hundreds of years ago. Some of you people act like America is the first & only place this has ever happened. LOL it was human nature. You know who else was "really mean & bad"? Cavemen. They would literally just club their neighbor and take their stuff. They should feel such shame...as you judge them 10,000 years later lol.
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
You REALLY the land that will one day called America. the country wasn't established in the 16th century
Zimmy Z
Zimmy Z
marimargo, Sad indeed. It is all about power and control (which is the root motive behind all abuse). And I pray that extremist Jihadists Muslims will back down from their "dream" <sic> of conquering ALL inhabitants and lands of this dear world/earth of ours. Live and let live!
Who landed in 1492??
All the comments of people fighting and taking over someone else's land is still true today. Russia wants all of Europe. Hamasaki wants all of Palestine. Iraq wants to conquer the entire world for their religious beliefs. So sad.
Player #130257916
Player #130257916
In 1620, forests were vast. It was wilderness.
Player #130575944
Player #130575944
Player #2578275, it doesn't say founded North America, it says founded the Plymouth Colony
y'all are hilarious
ranadi63, people have been taking over already populated land since the cave man days it's human nature, get over it
Blofeld007, They called themselves Pilgrims. Their
Player #4645883, founded doesn't mean the same as found. Founded means "to establish." The people called "the Pilgrims," who were also intolerant Puritans, did indeed found the colony called Plymouth. They were actually aiming for Virginia, where the Virginia colony had already been founded, but were blown off course by a blustery winter storm New England is still known for. And had it not been for the indigenous people who called this area home, who helped the English people through the cold winter, teaching them to build houses and feeding them, they may well have disappeared like the first Virginia colony.
Player #2578275, everybody has been taken over at one time since 5he dawn of mankind, it the brutal nature of humans
I have a very dear friend, that is a direct descendant to the Gov. William Bradford. and has traced their lineage back to the early 13th century.
Player #2578275, feel better? *insert heavy eye roll*
ranadi63, the pilgrims did no such thing
my bad I was distracted. I can't walk and chew gum at the same time 😔
goatkeeper9000, where can I find information about the Abe Lincoln statement?
Player #2578275, it is historically correct that Pilgrims founded Plimoth Colony. Nothing said they founded North America.
Player #2578275, that could be said of any location in history. people moved and took over land that someone was already a part of. there was room for everyone. the tribes took it over from other tribes of diffused cultures. it was no different. just because the history was documented better does not mean it never happened before. let's not be that naive.
Player #2386701, That is NOT true. You can have a code of conduct without believing in God. Very judgemental.
Guitarzan, I have known a number of American Indians who say they prefer this term, and not the Newspeak issued forth by liberals.
Player #2386701, Where are you getting your numbers re: WWII? They sound wrong.
Shelby Carpenter, and he wrote some catchy tunes
ranadi63, the different indigenous tribes of people living in this land were fighting, raiding raping killing and enslaving and stealing each others land long before any white man got here, so give it a rest.
With every question i find out this app is just propaganda. time to uninstall 👋🏻
Only half of people on Mayflower were pilgrims.
Player #1774982, not only did these Indian tribes fight each other but they stole the female children and women when ever they could,for their own tribe. Many women would die during child birth in those days, etc, so sad,
Colonialists not pilgrims who led the way of white Europeans who in turn decimated the population of the natives by 95% … these questions should be asked in a different way knowing what we know now! Our white ancestors whilst I’m sure were brave were also self righteous believing they were chosen by god blah blah blah you know the fantasy book written by politicians who called it a bible
Max Effort
Max Effort
ranadi63, they didn't steal anything, they conquered. The same as the tribes had been attempting to conquered each other.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Player #3883125, First Thanksgiving was in Virginia in 1619.
Player #2578275, founded is correct