What is philanthropy?
Correct answer: Love of Humanity

Grandma Beeba
CarmSanser, you're absolutely right. We just went through the Camp Fire, and yes, we received help from different organizations. But what stands out to us is a blanket that a mom and her kids made for me. I was a complete stranger to them, yet they spent the time and money to make something for us. I will never forget that.

Grandma Beeba, I help our local homeless community and each one of them goes out of their way to give me something every Christmas. Study after study has found that those with the least to give, are the ones who give the highest percentage of their income to charity.

love the history of the story.

Volunteering is hard work, but so rewarding.

Player #2911918
So good to know there are good people around in the world even today. I use to help people who too ill and olderly. It was great knowing you did something for others. Now I am not well and a bit a help once a fortnight. Hope there are more helpers as there are more older people in our society today. Not to mention unwell. God Bless all of you.

Player #3397589
Rockafeller was ridiculously rich and paid people very poorly. He gave out of pure shame and disgust at himself.

Player #1838710
What the Aztec calendar has to do with this question?

Player #CanSurvive11
CarmSanser, check the organization out before u give..some are dishonest...so it is great that people give of themselves..love above all

Most who volunteer their time & skill aren't celebs, don't claim it on tax returns or brag about it on social media.

1st time i have ever felt the need to comment. Rockerfeller is NOT a philanthropist. He is the exact opposite.

futuramagirl777, many churches and synagogues do a lot of philanthropy by outreach to the needy. I did not include other religious groups as I don't know the facts. But I am not discriminating against any of them.

I learned something today

Cat Mom
CelticQueen, But we aren't supposed to boast

Nutshell, mantoplogy is a human model of humanity

Player #3397589, i wondered about this because of never heard good things about him either

KTSketti, depends where you're volunteering, i volunteered at a free natural health clinic and it was work but did not feel hard because i was genuinely helping them and being

KTSketti, depends where you're volunteering. I volunteered for a free health clinic

Player #3397589, Tax write-off.

Bill Gates gives a LOT of money to charities. The cynical will claim it's for a tax writeoff. But I believe it's for better reasons.

Player #2911918, Many people are like me. We are philanthropists who contribute through spiritual growth and our vibrations go out (intentionally or otherwise) to help all people. Everyone benefits from good vibes.

gamehappy0728, Shame on fake televangelists.

Emmett, Been reading Chris Hitchens, have you? Chris Hitchens, the Marxist Socialist atheist who despises all religion is not a reliable source regarding Mother Teresa.

Player #107679064
Lionessa, that’s very well said.

Relative to total wealth, poor people give more to charity than the rich. Rich people give from their plenty; the poor give from their need. It's a much more precious gift.

9th grade is the same thing

extaticqueen, i thought the same thing. He's FAR from trying to make the world a better place. Complete other end of the scale IMO

Park Jimin

Player #74128989
funny, the ones they mention are the last i would consider to be in actual practice.

I just thought it meant Charity

From experience
Being a Humanitarian is indeed very satisfying and rewarding.

Player #CanSurvive11, Exactly. Even the legit ones may not.be able to do what they claim to.do

Player #2911918, Some people are just pretending! As Organizations grow bigger the staff get difficult to manage!

Mother Teresa was a philanthropist. that itself defined the particular meaning of the word. absolutely lovely.

Player #72513538
Seriously! The last sentence in paragraph one, is most certainly contradicted by the last sentence in paragraph two. Especially in regards to mother Theresa. 🤔

I give blood every 3 months, give or take. Never thought about it like this.

We have this word Philanthropy in Greek.
It comes by Phil > Philos = Friend &
Anthropy > Anthropos = Human; Friend of Human
Just like Philip coming from Philippos which means Horse’s Friend

Player #53342985
I know you don't want the above hehehe buhi buhi buhi kapon the

Grandma Beeba, I grew up in Paradise/Forest Ranch and I was also blown away by the outpouring of kind gestures. A tragic day that brought out some of the best in humanity in a million selfless ways.

Where is Gates Foundation on the list?

Hi evryone.stay safe