Which sport involves players who are concerned about volleys, deuces, aces, and bagels?
Correct answer: Tennis

Lorraine Simpson-Housley
never heard of a bagel!

never heard of bagel...

ive never heard the term bagel in a tennis match

I have played tennis for decades and never heard the term "bagels"!

what is a bagel in tennis ??????

Player #2394611
I'm an avid tennis follower and have watched tournaments and grand slam comps from around the world and have never heard this term.

Bagel,? get real..is it origanal tennis or modern.? Still no Bagel

bagel...are you kidding!

Bagels? Ya know its popular for their strawberries and cream, right?

ja taky
No bagels in tennis sorry. Bad question.

Rubbish! Bagel is not commonly used.

Sage Anshu
I love tennis and have been watching and following since childhood but Never heard of Bagel

Player #109945361
Bagel… you made that up!

seanieG eire/kreta
CecilTheGreat961040, me neither and I've been playing for over 50 years

A 6-0 score is a bagel.

Mama Taz
CecilTheGreat961040, : me too. This the 1st time I even know that term exist... 😁..

"Bagel" in reference to playing Tennis certainly doesn't occur in Commonweath Countries...

Player #27327294
Olorin, I am "inside" the US and have NEVER heard the term bagel. Even if it is slang, it is very obscure. Perhaps it may be a term used by the players themselves.

King Inanyu

After 30years of watching Tennis comps I have never ever heard the term Bagel being used!

Player #2456261
Played competition tennis for decades. Never heard 6-0 called a bagel.

I think he's just made that term up!

Player #25874027
The hallmark of slang is that it is popular and in common use. If you have to look it up it probably isn’t
NB If you wish to contradict the majority of comments, it is on polite to expand on your source etc

no bagel in tennis

Player #5621402
Bagel? Really!!!!!

Looks to be very unanimous: "Bagel" has nothing to do with tennis - at least not outside the US

Bagel is made up. No one ever says that dumbass question

Player #5513970
Heard of volley deuce ace but not Bagal. But I got it right

Bagel???? Nope!

I agree about the bagel issue and hope everyone remembers to hit the "Bad" icon at the bottom when you disagree with a question's information.

Lorraine Simpson-Housley, Yet another BS question I’ve never heard of bagels and I watch the game all the time

Bagel?? It made me choose water polo . No bagel in tennis

what is a bagel

I am one of a select few who is equally adept at playing tennis right or left handed. If a ball is hit too far for a back hand, I switch and smash the sucker! Opponent cries Foul! Oh, yeah? Show me the rule book which prohibits it. 😄

Lorraine Simpson-Housley, me neither, but I knew the other three were part of tennis so I guessed that one!

ja taky, A bagel is the name for winning a set 6-0

Delta Tango
Never, EVER heard of a bagel!