What dystopian novel talks about life in a future totalitarian society dominated by "Big Brother"?

Correct answer: Nineteen Eighty-Four

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What people think about it: 31 Comments
Now it has another name...Facebook.
Soleil10001, Heh, hehe! As a dinosaur of 62 I don't do Facebook or any other social media. I know it's unthinkable to most! I have no family, but my friends often come crying about horrible insults or slights from Facebook frenemies. That's sad. My husband keeps up with his grandkids this way and gets slighted by his daughter's comments. I am glad to be a Dino sometimes!
had to read this book in the first 3 years of high school ,hated it ,but now i realize that I am living proof of this book as where i live we have security guard, some tenants run to management with gossip and we have cameras to watch every thing
HipCat7942, yeah it's here alright. The other movie that is close to reality is Soylent Green. I think about it everytime I go grocery shopping. A friend in the UK told me what it was like living in a society that records everything. That was 10 years ago. We all live like that now. In the USA you would be crazy not to wear a recording device. I have personally had a few incidents that made me realize it was essential to be able to use against crazy liars and dangerous people.
Brilliant book. Heavy to read but hard to stop too. No need for people to be monitored. No need for microchips to be implanted. We carry our "life spy" with us in the form of smart phone and by human nature and vanity just fill social media with all personal information and documentation.
Okie Razorback
Okie Razorback
Soleil10001, Not all of us use social media.
There is no loyalty, except loyalty to the party. There is no love, except love of Big Brother. All competing pleasures we will destroy.
Okie Razorback
Okie Razorback
Taranchalanche, I'm 69 and I don't do facebook. Some of my family keeps up with other family through it, but don't and never have.
pixieish, Absolutely! Every once in a while I have to say "soylent green" to my guy. He knows what I mean! Should be shown twice a year in high schools IMHO.
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
Taranchalanche, I'm one of 78 and don't use social media. Listening to a neighbour of mine complaining about what her daughter had put on it I just wondered why she didn't just switch it of. I keep in touch with my friends via e mail. No nastiness with all our joke sharing brightening our days.
Rick-N-Bacher, exactly, I did, too much hate.
CCTV, Social Media, Press Coverage of everything definitely a Big Brother society we’re living in!
Taranchalanche, yes most of us are seduced by FB , me included, AND at What cost!!! ???
HipCat7942, all should also read This Perfect Day by Ira Levin and realise that it could happen. some of it already has.
Player #45500588
Player #45500588
How about the HandMaid’s Tale. The author wrote this book as a warning to society. It could very well happen!!!
Gunnar Gunderson
Gunnar Gunderson
Player Elf Council, Yes, there was more clarity when people paid attention to reality.
Gunnar Gunderson
Gunnar Gunderson
Okie Razorback, True. Not required, I use none, but I'm 65.
Gunnar Gunderson
Gunnar Gunderson
Taranchalanche, Same here! There's not a lot of difficulty to using "social media" wisely instead of having it use you.
Cee Cee
Cee Cee
I didn't even last 24hrs. on Facebook!!!! Had to delete it. All social media is a terrible idea
Soleil10001, I have said for a few years now that probably every baby born in the United States has a microchip inserted
pixieish, how correct you are. watch Soylent Green everyone should
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
"... asserting automaton"? Makes no sense - if you're assertive you're not an automaton! Maybe the 10-year-old reviewer meant, "assenting"?
nimblemoon, you can turn off Facebook
Player #32304854
Player #32304854
now people gladly accept to be spied, for "free stuffs". Even worse, they even pay to be spied, for "convenience" (Echo, smart speakers, IoT, etc)
Tiggsmeister 43
Tiggsmeister 43
Soylent Green is people!
OptimisticFrog17914, except that as soon as all the city people move in on us, they start wanting all their city amenities, and there goes the country.
( Snail Darter)
( Snail Darter)
EsenMau, “I love Big Brother, I love Big Brother......ad finitum!!
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
Era Vulgaris, I've installed this game on my tablet, and my mobile phone is a PAYG kept for emergencies and not linked so good luck to them trying to get any info :)
Player Ejag
Player Ejag
Okie Razorback, Me either! Tried Twitter for awhile but got kicked off for posting something political—but current prez seems to have no limits on his posts.😮
Okie Razorback, I do not venture into dreaded FB land, but my dog does. hope strange it is to find out that my dog has more friends than I!
HipCat7942, tis the same in my bldg! cameras on every floor, rats who carry tales to the great white leader, who sees herself as savior, queen and supreme commander. she's a moron which she proves every single day