Who was the second man to walk on the moon?
Correct answer: Buzz Aldrin

Rumor has it that Neil mumbled something that he never explained what it was till years later he had said as a kid his neighbors one day were overhead through open window in which Mr. Gronksy (misspelled possibly) wanted Mrs. Gronksy to perform a certain act on him. She replied "Only When the kid next door lands on the moon will that happen". Needless to say with no idea that Neil would one day do just that...he supposedly said under his breath "This is one's for you Mr. Gronksy".
Real or not it is a funny story!

I remember seeing it on television with the live broadcast. There was of course a slight delay by the time the signal reached earth. Armstrong was also the CO AKA commanding officer of the mission also. RHIP. Rank has it privileges. IT WAS AWESOME!

apparently when Armstrong stepped down and walked on the moon he also said "good luck Mr Brown" (I can't remember the guys real last name) and everyone asked what he meant by that but he never told but then a few years later in an interview he told the that once when he was young he was fetching a lost baseball out the neighbors yard, and he heard the man's wife say "SEX? YOU WANT SEX?YOU'LL GET SEX WHEN THE KID NEXT DOOR WALKS ON THE MOON"

SleepyBeetle88682, Gagarin, was the first man in space. the question was about the moon.

my dad was at the airport, new in this country when the airport tv screen was showing men landing in the moon.

Player #164114, Of course it was real. Jeez people, get a life. I guess Elvis is still alive too.

Player #3906185
bmist1, I was 12years old, in class, the teacher wheeled in the av cart with the TV on top. 3 other classes came in and we all watched the landing an walking on the moon.

Player #10866407
I use to hang out with Neil's son on a base we were living on. I knew he was an officer or something but I had no idea who he was. The boy said something about his dad being a space man or something but I didn't believe him till years later I saw Neil's picture in a textbook...the picture I saw of his dad on the wall.

wouldn't the camera man been first?

ArtisticSamurai12842, OK, earh is flat. Is the moon flat too?
Is your head flat?

The fastest way I've found to dispense with moon landing-deniers is with two words: Prove It. It seems to send them right back into the woodwork.

Neil Armstrong was chosen to go first based upon "his calm confidence," and "his total lack of ego," and mostly because he was the Commander of Apollo 11.

Legend has it, Buzz Lightyear. He’s still yet to be told.

I thought "the first" hurriedly 😂😭

Shark Asylum 1962, next time someone suggests the moon landing was faked, ask them why the Russians never spoke up about it 😏

Player #110237
Player #3906185, oh man…. Where did you go to school that it was still open at the end of July 😛 ..

Leeann, this is what I've always thought

I'm doing this for the achievement.

Steve Eells
AstroScout, why sure - lol everyone knows Elvis is still alive... sheesh! 🤣

Player #35387966
IIt was truly a massive achievement by the United States of America that lifted the spirits of all people.

waheb sahri, touche.

My mum would tell me how at 2 months old she held me on her lap so that I too could 'watch the landing on the little b&w telly in the loungeroom.

Phil 'sum guy'
for some years I thought Buzz was a joke or nickname; oops.

Player #50596498
It was not buzz aldrin , it was buzz light year moon was just a stepping stone he is travels to infinity and beyond

Player #49986886
Thunderduck, A very precious memory I know

Player #49986886
LoopyLynda74, Thanks for sharing. Hilarious!!

Do you really believe if it was faked by the USA that Russia would not have found out the truth by now and shown up the USA's Space program. Russia would love nothing more as would the USA if the boot was on the other foot.

I remember my Padre waking me up and setting me on his lap and him telling me to remember this moment. I was about two years old and it is my first memory...

Indigo Shade
Had this question again, slightly different wording, but same one.

Ian Rose
Leeann, Noel Armstrong & "Buzz" Aldren were the 1st wearers of body can, an awkward arrangement with a movie camera strapped to their chests

Player #36201510
habal wlo

I know that Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon

Player #36196577
jester7140, I don't think so. Armstrong was chosen to be the first by the NASA. He was the commander of the mission. They didn't decide who would go first just because one was near the door or by playing rock paper scissors.

Nicky A
Leeann, no, there would've been a drone or some automaton. it wouldn't have been s person

Ruby, .. true or not.. that's hilarious!!

Player #25874027
waheb sahri,
Bus leaves next Tuesday

Leeann, you have a point

buzz and woody

now he said it didn't happen😱

waheb sahri, there have been many others It's just that it's not that important like the first one that's why you didn't hear about them