When and where was the house cat first domesticated?
Correct answer: Middle East around 7,500 BC

Dogs love serving humans. Cats love human servants!

Player Ejag
Cats and dogs are different but both make wonderful companions in different ways. I love them both! And they can get along together!

I answered this question with cat in my lap!

nimblemoon, Reply-Dogs think: Humans feed me, play with me, protect me, keep me safe and show affection to me. They must be God's. A cat thinks:
humans feed me, house me, and groom me. They give me gifts. I must be their God!"

Marcus Space Cadet
Cats rule!

Player #10380280
i have a sign at the front door and it says,if the cat doesn't like you,i probably wont either,never trust people that dont like cats lol

There is nothing more comforting than a cat on your lap that is purring, it's as if it's engine is running.

Player SQinfoNUTS
Player Ejag, indeed cats and dogs can certainly get along. What are the best experiences I had in life was when I had a lovely dog who was about 2 or 3 years old and into the household came to Little Kittens about 7 weeks old. They took over. The cats that is and actually I train the cats to chase the dog. But at the end of the day and actually throughout the day they would all take a nap together.

Player pepper105
AND DOGS DRULE!!! Love both, but my orange tabby Nigel is the most unique cat I've ever met.

Player #6852065
Player #5162594, so sorry to hear that. Our pets really do become part of our family.

KuizGiga, me too!

Egyptians worshipped cats this made sense

Player pepper105, OMG! I had an orange tabby named Nigel too! The best little guy ever... I miss him so much.

On time
My dog and cats can get along very well and my dog doesn’t bother them

Player #10380280, so true, love cats

Wannabe Vulcan
Frank Zappa, and the cats have never forgotten it!

cm4585, Look at map or globe so-called Egypt is in the continent of AFRICA

Player #10380280, ABSOLUTELY .... I don't ❤️

Republic of China
Dogs : They feed me. They must be God
Cats : They feed me. I must be God

Player #64960020
Player SQinfoNUTS, In any cat & dog household, cats have to be (and end up) masters, even if the dog is a hunting breed that chases cats (if the owner teaches the dog not to chase his, though)

cats really are not 100% domesticated.
My tom is a great mouser. just watch how they morph from a sweet lovable paddy's tat into a killer once they lock eyed on what they see as prey.

Middle East is in Asia, where else do you think it is?

It is curious to ponder that cats actually domesticated themselves!

Most MISUNDERSTOOD and MISTREATED beautiful creatures on the planet.
The HORRIFIC things still being done to them today, by CERTAIN cultures.
AND NO, YOU CAN'T EXCUSE IT BY SAYING; "Oh, it's a cultural thing".

I had a puppy & kitten at the same time...brother & sister?...you betcha...great memories...

Cyprus is Europe. So why is the answer Middle East???

Player Ejag. Very true. When a puppy and kitten are raised together, they get along beautifully.

Mujahid Mohideen R
what an interesting and fascinating story of cats from 8500B.C..ohhh!!!

Egyptians revered and worshiped Cats, that is why my I named my First adopted feline "Cairo". I miss him terribly. He has big paws to fill!!

Does anyone have any ideas on how to introduce adult cats to a puppy.?

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
That’s for sure! They like to be the boss. I love cats. 💜

Player #12981006
Hugo, east Asia would be China, Korea, and Japan.

Guillermo Jr.
I serve 4 cats.. 3 orange tabbies and a Grey tuxedo.. they are a constant source of laughter smiles happiness and inner peace..

Player #16702581
My cats used to snuggle and sleep with my labradors and my wild rescued Robin would ride on the dogs back and play with the cats. I now have 3 rescued birds. Dove, sparrow and finch. They all get along with my 2 cats. House rules: Get along.

Player Gigi #28446253
IckyEra2, my favorite comment 😄

Player pepper105, my cats name: metallicat

and they have changed very little ever since.. 😼
One Day at a Time
Obviously edited by a non-native English speaker

I've yet to encounter a 'domesticated' cat.