What human organ does a pacemaker pace?
Correct answer: Heart

my dad had to have one when he was 50. passed at 64. gave me 14 years extra with him.

i have a super duper pacemaker called an Cardiac Resyncronisation Therapy - Defibrillator. not only does it have three pace making leads it can give off defibrillator shock to restart my heart if necessary. All thanks to the British NHS.

a pacemaker can help to give you more life time

My husband had a pacemaker implanted when he was 44. He has a condition where his heart can race then suddenly drop in beats, causing him to black out. Since he's had the pacemaker, he's had a lot fewer blackouts!

Player #9703512 Jan
yes a brilliant idea my husband wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for a pacemaker !!!!

dr Christian Bernard was the first Dr to do a successful transplanr where the patient lived for more than 24 hours.

Essexfairy, me to I died 5 times had one fitted 2013

Player #15914884
BeagleMum, my husband has had his since 44 too getting a new one in the 29th of April
His rate would drop in his sleep really bad and was dizzy in the day a lot

Player #15301122
works well _ saves lives

Player #22152616
one friend had one put in 1999 and some days shopping I tell her she has more energy then me and she is 23 years older then me.

there is now one for the bladder

little b
my heart 💔 is fine

my Dad rip Tex my Partner has one inserted

frosty, my mom had one

I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for a pacemaker. Am thankful for whatever extra time it gives me.

GMG, now that is really sad and messed up life is so unfair

McGyver Rock's , awesome

Player #24913033, wow young and so strong

BeagleMum, That's great.

Essexfairy, Wow that is an awesome machine.

doxierescued, 14 more years praise God.

McGyver Rock's
my Dad has a pace maker & Difribulator since January 2019, glad to tell you, he is still with us

GMG, That's so sad 💔

doxierescued, Sorry for your loss 💔 My dad is aged 84 and had a pacemaker fitted over 4 weeks ago. The sad thing is he's still a heavy smoker (smokes 20 a day) 💔

Rosa 🌹🌹
Raven Lynn, how's it going with the pacemaker? how do you feel with it in?

is pacemaker expensive. my aunt was going for a routine check up of her pace maker when the doc suggested she gets the new modernised pace maker and she went to the waiting room to her husband to ask him if she should he said why not. those were the last words they spoke to each other . the doc made a mistake and killed her

My grandfather had one, while in hospice care if would go off. So they place a magnetic device over it so if would stop socking him.

i read a text about it in school last month I'm quite glad it exists it has saved so many people!

Devika Rajendrababu
devika Rajendrababu
from India 🇮🇳
heart surgery machine is now advanced in all the hospitals 🏥 in India.

kayla young
Essexfairy, that's wonderful, I need something like that.

Player #53560702
Stomach do also have pacemaker, FYI

bee's must sting
fun fact the pacemaker was created by accident.

The HaSaKha

The HaSaKha
Essexfairy, Really!

doxierescued, my dad had one also. Kept him going a lot longer probably.

Player #24913033
Jew for Yeshua, microwaves don't affect them nowadays but magnets do so you have to be frisked at an airport instead of going through those security things & you can't have an MRI. Also you need to keep mobile phones away at least 10 cm away....fine to make a call but don't keep it in your chest pocket on the same side as the pacemaker.

Player #24913033
I've had a pacemaker since I was 24. I've also had surgery for an ASD repair (Atrial Septal Defect aka Hole in the Heart) when I was 9.

Ben Younglamb
You ought to need one if you're dealing with the Philippine Govt.

Player #34278003
Player #25705152,
I have one as well for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Player #31143559
I've had three heart attacks and inow had a pacemaker of my own because my heart was beating too fast and I have clogged arteries