Which was the first Japanese city bombed with an atomic bomb in 1945?

Correct answer: Hiroshima

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
it was horrible, they thought it was something they had to do in retaliation for Pearl Harbor. but it went far beyond. i have heard but not verified, that the emperor sent word of either peace talks or surrender either before or just after the first bomb, but we didn't get it. the US SHOULD have picked a military target and not civilian. so many children gone in an instant. then the rest dying a long, slow, painful death by radiation sickness. i remember the story about the cranes when i was in school in the 60's it was horrifying. very shameful and wrong!!!
nancyinfernley, First it should be made clear the Japanese understood all too well that our "western sensibilities" valued the life of a single human greatly. Prior to the 12/07/1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the US had been the major source of oil to Japan. Then the Japanese began to take aggressive military actions into the lower Chinese Providences. Because of this unprovoked aggression and the manner of torture the Japanese used on their Chinese POWs the US placed an embargo on exporting oil to Japan. This US embargo further solidified the Japanese belief that our empathy could be used against us. So, to your point, the Japanese purposely put their major military targets in places with high concentrations of civilians. After Hitler committed suicide on 4/30/1945 the negotiations for the Japanese surrender began in earnest. After three months it was evident that Japan would not agree to an unconditional surrender if it included their Emporer Hirohito. This forced Truman to make a hard choice. He chose the option that would cause the least amount of human deaths and no American deaths. After Hiroshima, Truman gave Japan three days to surrender. Hirohito was going to surrender but the Japanese military staged a coo de ta to keep him from doing so. So, the three days went by and Truman got no response from Japan and was forced to drop another bomb on Nagasaki. By that time the military coo de ta had failed and Hirohito surrendered.
nancyinfernley, do some reading, Japan commuted more civilian deaths then anyone. The US dropped these bombs to stop the murderous war Japan started. Believe it or not these bombs saved 10x as many lives by stopping Japan and bringing an end to it.
Player #1416262
Player #1416262
bhw2545w, we dropped two A-Bombs and killed thousands of people. As a result, the war was brought to an end. If we did not drop our little boy, and his big brother a few days later, millions more innocent women, children and men who were all civilians would have been extinguished by Germany's final solution. If you were to ask just one person who survived any of Germany's death camps whether we should have dropped the A-Bombs or not, what do you think their response would be? What would your response be if you survived a death camps and had watched every one of your family members raped, beaten, sodomised, made to perform sex acts on each other, eat poison, have experimental surgeries performed on them whilst still awake , be the person who carries the lifeless body of your own children out of the gas chambers and having to dump them in a mass grave with no dignity or respect, or the person who cleans your children's ashes out of the furnaces so some more children can be burned and incinerated alive all to the acceptance and pleasure of the Nazis? Nazi Germany were close to perfecting their own A-Bomb, do you think they would have kept it in their arsenal and asked the allies to come sit around a table to thrash out a diplomatic end to the war? Because if you do, then you are a fool. I honour and applaud the decision to deploy these A-Bombs as do the survivors of the war and no doubt the descendants of the survivors, irrespective of whose nation they or their ancestors fought for.
bebe: after studying WWII, if the bombs would not have been dropped , then more Americans would have been killed island hopping for years. For Japan, it was a wakeup call to stop the war. Remember, Japan started with killing innocent Americans in the first place at Pearl Harbor. Sometimes drastic measures must be taken to kill the monster. Thanks to the horrific lesson learned, the US helped Japan to rebuild and all is peaceful with the country. And as was said by Japanese leaders, "All we did was awake a sleeping tiger." The tiger then responded. p.s. Read "The Rape of Nanking," to see what Japan did to China.
hellbounder, that is hilarious. Humans are the ones that make culture and society. We make it out of what's in us. Humans made politics and war and religion. The state of the world is as it is because of humans, not politics and religion.
nancyinfernley, well what they did to Pearl Harbor wasn’t a picnic either lady. Ask the soldiers that are still buried in the USS ARIZONA on the bottom of the sea still in their ship.!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻
Player #2911918
Player #2911918
How sad what humans do to each other at time of war.
Capt. Garcia
Capt. Garcia
nancyinfernley, actually the emperor had told his people to fight. And civilians were training for an American invasion in the Homeland. But President Truman and General McArthur knew that a invasion of Japan would mean a lot of American would died. So Atomic bomb was a better option.
Player #2751561
Player #2751561
nancyinfernley, it was horrible but it would be prudent to do more research.... you need the "rest of the story". There was more to it...
Let's not forget that Japan committed a lot of atrocities during the war. Secondly the bombs were dropped because the Japanese refused to surrender despite being given ample opportunity to do so.
yo lisa
yo lisa
i had 2 Japanese exchange students and neither one knew they started the war with the US they actually asked us why we bombed them ..our government actually doesn't have to tell us everything that's going on which it doesn't but the US government actually shares a lot more with its ppl then all the foreigner nations across the pond does with theirs
Player #141757325
Player #141757325
nancyinfernley, it was very necessary
America should never be forgiven for that evil act. War is bad enough without such actions, thousands of animals must have died too. It also shortened my father's life as he was in the Royal Navy and they went there to observe and help just after the Hiroshima bomb was dropped. Everyone exposed was expected to develop cancer 20 years later and he did. Bad, wicked acts, shameful.
nancyinfernley, tell that to the Allied soldiers and civilians killed by the Japanese and the hundreds of thousands who would have died trying to take Japan. You are right, war is horrible and wrong, but as long as evil despots are prepared to start them others must stand against them.
nancyinfernley, all these years I never knew that the US did another second atomic bomb to Japan
BroncoR888, ,,,WOW,,that’s all I can say,,scary
And I love China and Japan they are such Beautiful Countries and I want to visit them so bad and I didn’t know Japans Emperor was named Hirohito
That’s so sad it was terrible when they dropped the Atomic bomb on one of my Favorite Countries Hiroshima Japan and it hurt me to see all those poor Japanese people suffer and get killed
Player #4943928, Yamamoto never said that, that was just from a movie
Christopher Wellingtons, I beg to differ. The innocent Japanese were not responsible for what Hirohito and Tojo done and they definitely did not deserve it.
Reyalp, I’m also Japanese I can’t believe it either!
ReeveRetard, I’m a Japanese girl and I beg to differ.
I’m Japanese and this had such an impact on me and my family. I wish all those that died in the blast and the bomb peace and happiness. It was not necessary and it was completely disgusting and disgraceful of the us. Sometimes I cry about it. I visited the peace memorial park and I sobbed
Roger Amilcar
Roger Amilcar
this was one of those terrible days we must not forget. this day USA showed the World how nasty they can be
Bill, One soldier mentioned sharpen bamboo spears to be carried by Japanese people for the invasion of their homeland.
Vampire Charm🤭
Vampire Charm🤭
I have heard that even now the Japanese people face problem because of that. ..
asgqgxwuxabushauxj8wjixwjsiwjx8wjd8wjd8wxu28xjw8xjw8xkw9xwk9xwi9xwkd9wxmwox not exists ok capt Jack
Player #94674900
Player #94674900
very bad act of american's bombers.
The bomb was made by dr Oppenheimer
After the war, MacArthur made the Emperor speak on the radio. The Japanese people believed he was a God (that's why they fought so fanatically) and were shocked to find he was just a man. All that death for someone they'd never even seen.
PamperedNanobot72025, after all the money spent rebuilding Japan the U.S. was never repaid
nancyinfernley, Wrong, you should learn more about the history of Pacific war. What Japan did to Asia countries they deserved more than that. killing civilians men's, raping women's taking children's to use on their war manufactures and more horrifying stuff. if you think what nazis did to Jewish is horrifying? Japan did it as much or worse
Movie "Midway" Pearl Harbor.6 mths after. All 🔝 Top Actors
Player #118103951
Player #118103951
For anyone who is upset by this (and it was an unsettling event) just read about the survivors of Nanjing or the men who survived the Bataan March. You might think differently after learning about these atrocious acts. I'm not fond of this part of our history but it saved many more lives in the Pacific theater than if the war had continued.
well said Awesometude.
nancyinfernley, It wasn't in direct retaliation for Pearl Harbor, that was done during the Pacific Theater. The Japanese just refused to give up.
nancyinfernley, They dropped the A bomb because japan would not surrender, this was in the very end of the war, long time after Pearl harbor. They did try to retaliate, but not with a nuclear bomb, but a "normal" bombraid, shortly after Pearl Harbor, which practically was a suicide mission...
it was sad many civilians were suffered during that time world war but same in Philippines when japanese soldiers came and conquered some cities they killed and abused an innocent pilipino people
nancyinfernley, it also saved millions of lives