Which was the second Japanese city bombed with an atomic bomb in 1945?
Correct answer: Nagasaki

i think Harry Truman faced one of the most difficult decisions that anyone ever had to face

Nazdek, No. They were not ready to surrender. Japan was still intensifying their efforts. The only other choice on the table was the planned invasion of Japan. There were close to a million Allied soldiers on ships headed to Japan. The estimate was 100,000 Allied soldiers’ fatalities and 1,000,000 Japanese fatalities. I’ll trade 120,000 lives to save more than 1,000,000. A war we didn’t start. Didn’t precipitate. Didn’t want. A war we had thrust upon us.

I still shake my head at the stupidity of human kind. The numbers just keep blowing my mind EVERY time I read that!

Mstan60, Pray that there is never a need to repeat.

Player #3741306, honey, we know you kids are taught watered-down versions of history, but there are still a lot of us around who were THERE. So take what your progressive liberal instructors give you with a great big spoonful of salt.

they didnt worry about people at pearl harbor or the march of batan

AudaciousRuffian9267, Horrific, yes--but had war continued in Pacific, number of casualties would have been in millions.

Two words: Pearl Harbor

Emperor in Japan is to blame for not surrendering.. even after Hitler died and Germany surrendered the Japanese continued.

Hypercheckers311, we did learn from it so did the world. no nuclear bombs have been used in a war since.

EccentricTreant96, The Emperor was not in sole control. There was a Prime Minister, government officials, and of course, Admirals and Generals who all had a say in what happened. The rule of the Emperor was not absolute.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki- or then instead of and

Japan was never going to stop. They trained old people and children to fight hand to hand. Invasion might have cost the US another half million casualties. Truman had no choice.

AUrelius, an atomic bomb is a "type" of nuclear bomb it uses nuclear fission. nukes aka hydrogen bombs uses nuclear fusion

andylucy23, let's hope it stays that way

I had three uncles in the Pacific, one at Pearl when it was bombed. I would have pushed that button in a second, and I bet my sweet, dear grandmother would have done the same.

Horrible historical event.

mckraken, Harry Truman is quoted to have said “I didn’t lose one minute of sleep over the decision to drop those bombs.”

Wannabe Vulcan
Glory2J, better yet, work for it while you're at it.

So I guess mentioning that America did this twice would be a question to be answered too???

AnonymousDog10027, and the people of the world would all speak Japanese instead of English...

Anthony Tipton
Player #25874027, about 3,000 military and civilians in pearl harbor ambush

GrandmaLuanne, the world has to be thankful that the United States was provoked into entering the war.

only one bomb was enough. why drop another? and why not on germany?

Mary Kowalski
Remember Auswitz !

Mary Kowalski
Stobor, Sorry, no way to avoid it. ww3 is on its way.

Republic of China
mckraken, Not really... Harry Truman decided to nuke Japan because it is purely military and also Normandy-style invasion will kill too many American soldiers and would spread anti-war protests in America rapidly