What three great men died on November 22, 1963?

Correct answer: C.S. Lewis -- J.F.K. -- Aldous Huxley

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Ortwint The Liberator
Ortwint The Liberator
Someone need to write this stuff better. That whole first paragraph?????
Player #7432266
Player #7432266
didn't finish my comment..in world war 2 he swam over a mile with injured back to save life of a crewman then he won a Pulitzer prize for profiles in Courage; as president he stood up to Khrushchev and disarmed Cuba 90 miles away: he with brother Bobby gave civil rights movement and MLK federal support whenever needed to clamp down on racists in Alabama and deep south; he propelled and ignited the race to land a man on the moon in69. Vietnam was a boondoggle that just got out
Player #7432266, President Kennedy wanted OUT OF Vietnam, because it was a Civil War between France, who owned the country, and the nation's communists. The United Nations had no reason to be in the middle of a Civil War, but during the Cold War, every time ANY NATION, outside of the Soviet Bloc, wanted to go communist, the USA would send in soldiers to attempt to stop it. How Communism in Southeast Asia was threatening to the USA mainland, is beyond me.
Ortwint The Liberator, you mean like your first sentence?
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
RockNRollMama82, the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu where Eisenhower almost committed US airborne forces to support the besieged French forces. The mistake of Vietnam started in 1945 with a complete misunderstanding of the independence movements of so many former colonys in the wake of the end of WW2. Only the bent toward communism of Ho Chi Minh determined the side which the US ultimately took when the US should have been supporting all of these independence movements as a former colony herself. I blame FDR because no one man is more important than the Republic itself. He however deemed himself too important to refrain from running for a third term in 1940, thus breaking the tradition that was set by George Washington himself. the country paid the price when FDR died in office barely into his 4th term and a VP that was not even aware of the atom bomb when he was thrust into so many foreign policy decisions in April 1945 just as Germany was capitulating within 30 days of Truman taking over. thus great mistakes were made but not all Truman decisions were to blame. we need teamwork and unity in USA!!
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
CyanJaguar62, well, communism is an evil form of government space – space it really is!
Karen 7
Karen 7
Take a look at what these men wrote…. This is what we lost that day.. nobody is perfect they all made mistakes but what they wrote was worth much more and we need to value that..
Most of the comments here are directed at JFK, which is to be expected. Did you know that CS Lewis was an Atheist for years until he came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ was exactly who he claimed to be and converted to Christianity and wrote some fine books of faith!
Ortwint The Liberator, very poor coordination of events
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Ortwint The Liberator, Everyone notices and quite a few of us complain about the incorrect, confusing, awkward and amateurish level of these answer explanations, yet their quality never seems to improve.
RockNRollMama82, it was called "The Domino Theory". At the time the US and USSR were locked into a Cold War and the US was committed to stopping the spread of Communism worldwide. Not saying I agree, just that was the background to the conflict.
He asked for a shot of LSD?!! Only in LA.
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Who wrote that poem?
Player #7432266
Player #7432266
sure jfk made some mistakes but had lot of achievements...starting in WWIib