Who created Miss Marple?
Correct answer: Agatha Christie

I love everything she wrote! Wish she'd had a happier life.

What a brilliant writer! All those murder mysteries and an extra character to boot.

Agatha Christie will always remain one of my most favorite authors of all time.

Player #9495659
I have never read her books, but have thoroughly enjoyed the British detective shows and movies based on Miss Marple and Poirot. If you haven't seen the Miss Marple black and white movies from around 1960, I very highly recommend them. The actress was just perfect for the part.

love this

I love Patricia Rutledge as Miss Marple.

Player #164114
My dad loved her

Player #9495659
nimblemoon, Like a lot of women, she married the wrong man. However, she did a clever job of turning herself into 1 of her own characters. After her husband dumped her for another woman, Christie completely just disappeared for about 1 year and suddenly reappeared and refused to ever give any explanation. To this day no knows where she went or what she did.

Player #164114, my mom did, too, and many years later, I found that I do too

nimblemoon, she did with her second husband read her book "Come tell me how you live"

little b
I've not heard of gddsdds

Player #9495659, Actress was Margaret Rutherford

I researched online and believe the actress was Margaret Rutherford

My mum was a massive fan of hers. RIP mum

Lady Wolf Moon
I’ve read just about every Agatha Christie novel when I was a kid. I absolutely loved them.

Agatha Christie was and is my favorite mystery writer. murder on the orient express is a fascinating read. you won't want to p<t it down.

Player #2075001
I live in the town of Marple, near Manchester, which inspired the name after she stopped off for the day on her way to Manchester.

Player #56163294
nimblemoon, oh really what was wrong??. such a wonderful writer. am an ardent fan.

Snakeman 75
Player #9495659, Her name was Margaret Rutherford.

Chilled Tea
Poirot was such an interesting character! The French accent, his penguin figure, his precise mustache & his obsession for precision. He will always have a place in my heart ❤️

Indigo Shade
My neighbour's daughter looks exactly like the original Miss Marple from the shows in the 90s. Thus it's her nickname as well.

CAGranny, Joan Hickson was my favourite Miss Marple too 😊

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #9495659, wonder if she had a child. They did that back then and never revealed where they were or what they did and a year is the proper time frame! Just a thought that I am sure has been thought many times by many people.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
My dear friend Louise loves Agatha Christie books. I might get started on them myself.

Player #13023389
I was a big fan and loved Miss Marple. Agatha Christie is truly missed. Debby

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Hassan ãįhəvœű
I 💝 Agatha Christie

Player #Sahil
I have read her book name " The Caribbean island ". So I knew the answer

I love Agatha Christie.

who is Agatha Christie ❓

ewok 44
Birdiemom, same

ewok 44
Easy when you eat, sleep and drink Agatha Christie

Squinty7, my favorite was Joan Hickson, from BBC and Mystery

I have enjoyed reading all her books.

I shelve her books all the time at the library