Who discovered Florida?
Correct answer: Juan Ponce de Leon

Since I live in Florida, I had better get this right. I also drank from the Fountain of Youth but it didn't work, Dagnabbit!!! 😄

dini cee
Player GayleP, you can't discover something especially when humans already live there.

he discovered fla in the sense i discovered a restaurant on the other side of town.

Player #2971658
no one discovered Florida. there were people living there when Ponce arrived. this is disrespectful and wrong

Player #20088782
It’s interesting that a European is credited with discovering a place when there were people already living there!

Pretty sure it Florida was already there. Having some European name it didn't bring it into existence.

Ponce de Leon didn't discover Florida as it was already inhabited. He was the first to murder native Americans in Florida in the name of Spain.

Player #2386701
Coconut Mango, the “First Nations” we’re very violent people. Why do you think they called themselves warriors. Maybe because they were so evil someone above said I want to bring in more peace full people like your self. If not then go back to Europe where you think the rest of us should go. Practice what you preach. Cary out what you believe in the fullest. Go back to Europe and give your property to the natives that are left.

Player #4825099
GrandmaTanya, My junior high history teacher would be so proud i got answer correct!!!

Guillermo Jr.
once I told my kid Ponce discovered something old people really like.. he ventured a guess..
"Hard candy?"

Duchess, cat hayet=cat skiner,

DistressedKraken8847, More than one way to skin a cat. (No, children, that doesn't mean I am a cat hayer. It's what is called an expression. Go ask your teacher if you don't understand.)

dini cee, It was a discovery to the rest of the world, or at least to Europe.

too many "one sided" comments from public school "indoctrinated"lame brains

So no place that is conducive to human life can be considered discovered. Native American is an inaccurate term as there were so many different tribes/nations, many existed after conquering and killing off their predecessors. The native Americans who attacked the Spaniards had previously killed off those who inhabited the land before them. Humans can be evil in their ignorance and hubris. Not just Europeans.

Player #2386701, I’m sure that someone from above is saying, stop speaking on my behalf

dini cee, True. It's like "discovering" the moon which has been there longer than the human race.

He didn’t discover Florida, he explored Florida.

just moved to Ponce de Leon this year..love it here

Of course you can discover places and items that already exist. you're discovering them for the people who don't know about them yet.

Player #31574696
S2Pryce, and no one credits him with the creation of Florida.

Player Gigi #28446253
HardyInitiation1, you are correct!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #3196549, no, Amerigo Vespucci did not go to Florida, he was a very talented map maker
He drew the map based on info from explorers who reported their "discoveries" and named the land mass after himself ...America

dini cee, Most Native Americans didn't have a written language; therefore, they had no documentation. That is one reason to get a good education, to keep others from taking credit for what you do. LOL.

GrandmaTanya, Ha ha. Cute.

Beautiful State, even I’m so scared 😱 to 🐍and cocodrills 🐊

Player #3196549, correction, his name is Amerigo Vespucci"

bigd, Well said

Player #5100533, He was Hispanic.

GrandmaTanya, You're still replying, what makes you think it didn't work?

Player #5100533
S2Pryce, I suppose that you'll never ever discover anything, because it has probably always been there?

Player #5100533
Typical liberal thinking. I suppose she's also mad because he was a white guy.?

bigd, that internet!!!

dini cee, americans 🤷🏻♂️