What golfer was nicknamed 'the golden bear'?
Correct answer: Jack Nicklaus

knew this answer by reading info on another question see you are learning new info

The high school he went to was the Upper Arlington Golden Bears. Jack Nicklaus: ‘Well, I’ve been a Golden Bear all my life. I might as well continue to be a Golden Bear.’” “Jack made a trip to Australia, got off the plane and there was – how they used to have newspapers stacked in the airport – the headline said, ‘Golden Bear from U.S. to Arrive Today.’ Jack and Barbara have always given credit to Australian sportswriter Don Lawrence for coining the nickname. The above info is from the GOLFCHANNEL.COM article written by Mercer Baggs, April 10, 2017.

Player Meyer
Amazing man and golfer

Kopacabana75, I have an essay that needs editing if you need something to critique.

Bunny One 2020
Ignazia11, Jack Nicklaus attended Upper Arlington High School in Columbus, Ohio; their mascot and team name is the Golden Bears

I've noticed golfers all seem to be gentlemen. Is this just my imagination, or fact?

Player #25874027
Mrs. Tiger Woods might disagree

toothless beachrat
ChampionNymph37634, I truly have no idea about the validity of that statement. I will say that John Daly is the one exception I know of though.

Picked Jack Nicklaus cuz he's the only one I know lol

ChampionNymph37634, gentlemens game.

ChampionNymph37634, Jack Nicklaus certainly is..

Ernie Els from South Africa is The Big Easy due to his calm nature.

BionicFlyweight14427, thumbs down because you admit to knowing nothing about golf? I know very little about the game myself, but once in a while you hear something about it on the news

Ignazia11, he was big and blond

Player LolaB, somebody twisting your arm, baby?

Player #4746956
slip of finger. I knew it

Ignazia11, I'd like to know that also. there's nothing telling us how he got that nickname.

again I know nothing about golf.