What plant did Columbus find on his first new world trip?

Correct answer: Tobacco

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Tobacco has ruined my life! I smoked for 48 years. I quit 2 years ago after ending up in ICU and nearly dying. My lungs are shot forever! Please, if you don't smoke now, don't start. If you do smoke, call for help. If I can do it, so can you. I used the patches and got support. Sorry for the speech. I've seen many comments that were long, but I've never done it. Something I'm very passionate about.
And we all lived happy ever after with Cancer.
kellyj784, I quit 15 years ago and was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. They found it during preop tests for knee surgery. So I had surgery and they got it all. I was fortunate. Thank you Lord.
Player #973771
Player #973771
doxierescued, I also smoked, 50 years & ended up in ICU when I got a viral infection that attacked my COPD. Nearly died too. I have been smoke free for 4 months now, but as you know, it is forever. I do feel better though. Thank you for your speech, I approve.
kellyj784, tobacco does not cause cancer. its the carcinogens that are added to tobacco that causes cancer
i hate the smell of it!
doxierescued, lost dear friend from lung cancer begged me to tell everyone to quit
habit is more difficult to quit then heroin awful awful
Player #3829534
Player #3829534
Player #2460227, same for me too, only I quit smokeing and made it a full yr, then started with rib pain so bad i wsnt to ER had a CAT scan.I have a mass in rt lung that metastasized to 5,6,7 rib. Please don't let it get you.
doxierescued, - Your point is very well taken & no argument could refute it. However, many of us who have smoked for many years & still do just can't seem to quit. I guess we have to find ourselves at Death's doorstep before we are finally frightened enough to give it up. It is that addictive- more so than many drugs I've been able to stop. Your advice to don't start is the best, but young folks rarely heed advice & hence their downfall.
I never felt smoking had any redeeming qualities and decided it wasn't something I wanted to do.
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
Efandra2003, . . . than . . .?
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
tomfgp, Thank you!
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
JustTarantula28801, Here we go again!
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
kellyj784, It is hardheaded to think of one single cause of cancer!
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
doxie, To me, it sounds like "With the help of tobacco, I ruined my life . . .". Still, very sorry for you! Pains me to imagine your state.
Tara Ditto
Tara Ditto
Actually, he saw the "indians" smoking that thing. He would had only seen a plant, how in the whole "flat" world would he have known?
Player #137846770, Funny you say that, I was just going to say, Jesus has the cure for all. People think it's cliche, but I tell them to go into the quiet of their room and say, "Come Lord Jesus and help me." Aloud if possible - but that's just so you can hear it. JC knows our hearts already.
I use to smoke I cigarettes and drank coffee and loved it and then I started wheezing at night, every night my breathing sounded like a whistle, I Quit smoking,cold turkey and I have not wheeze since,, my lungs are now clear,,Please people, don’t smoke,,it’s not easy to quit, but you can do it and will be glad you did later,,
tomfgp, You are correct. The additives cause cancer. I smoke 100% tobacco. No additives.
I used to say it's easy to give up, I've done it loads of times. In the end I tried hypnosis and it was the best investment I've ever made and I've never smoked since
Jenny Wisewom
I am not saying that smoking is not life threatening but I have had 4 people in my life that have died from cancer and have never smoked in their lifetime. so you are never safe however you live your life.
I have never smoked in my life to protect my lungs . At 33 I visited a Freind at the hospital and I diagnosed with SARS….!!! Didn’t know how to react !!! In a week both lungs were fully infected and I was connected to a machine !!!! So much for being too careful…
Just another remarkable item to add to the Columbus legacy. Although, of course, tobacco is death. But that was not known then.
I smoked for years and tried everything to quit. I was close to having to carry oxygen around to breathe. A friend told me she quit by taking Chantix. My doctor was happy to prescribe it, and it helped me to finally quit. Best decision I have made in my life. I have COPD and use inhalers but I’m sure death was the alternative. Please don’t start this horrible habit !!!!!
Player #137846770
Player #137846770
Remember the scripture "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me."
ImmovableControl3, I don't know a lot about it but people people please don't start vaping it seems like it has chemicals too
tomfgp, if you really want to smoke learn how to roll your own it's really quite fun takes a lot more time so you don't smoke as much and I agree it's the chemicals they add to the tobacco so smoke organic it's in tobacco shops it's fun to learn how to roll
doxierescued, thank you for your comment I hope people heed your warning but if not we all have to make those choices in life and it is what it is I'm free
I chew for 50 years spit!🤣
era02, same here
era02, same me too
Boise, l
i can't believe it
Lynette caroline
Lynette caroline
I did the same thing thanks to my will power
doxierescued, I hear you...been there and back again and now I'm on nicotine gum yet again. but I still...after 7 months of quitting I crave a smoke with my morning cuppa despite nearly dying twice myself ..weeks in comas and losing my Dad when I was 14 from smoking related heart disease. it is a nasty, vicious deadly habit. So endeth the lesson.
My parents smoked a lot when I was a kid and my Mom died of lung cancer, my dad had emphysema. It catches up with you even if you quit .
Player #130998363
Player #130998363
They say we all have cancer cells. It depends on whether they decide to multiply. There was cancer when Jesus was on earth. Come soon Lord Jesus.
Player #129810510
Player #129810510
Net, keep trying! Many ex-smokers out there! you can do it!